Taking the bull by its horns.

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Aubrey's POV

       I looked up and faked a smile. Brad came down to where I was to help me up while Miss Keating muttered some words that I couldn't hear. Not that I cared anyways, I didn't need her pity, and Brad's too.  I tried to get up on my own before he got to where I was.  "I'm up!,  I'm fine",  it came out louder than I had expected.  "You sure?" Brad asked looking somewhat concerned.  "Yes,  I'm sure",  "No broken bones or anything?" Really?,  why was he suddenly trying to play 'Mr nice and caring'.  "No,  no broken bones,  how would I even know,  its not like I can detect it without an x-ray",  I said,  expecting him to leave with that,  but no,  Mr goodie two shoes went on;  "Exactly,  you wouldn't know,  which is why I'm taking you to the school's medical facility for appropriate check up",  I raised a brow. "You what now? ",  Just then,  Miss America(allow me to call her that😁)  came down to interrupt,  "honey,  if she says its fine,  then she's fine,  you should let her go",  making sure to add a fake smile,  "yes,  you should",  I said in addition,  but the 'stubborn headed Brad' won't listen.  "No,  I'm not taking my chances,  if something bad should happen to you,  Joyce and Jake would blame me",  and with that he put my hand on his shoulder and walked a few steps with me,  there's the part I like,- it was like he forgot Miss America was standing right beside us,  because he didn't even mention a word to her until after we had walked quite a distance,  then he turned and said with a rather loud voice,  "Zoey,  wait for me in the car,  I shouldn't take long but if I do,  we can cancel,  tomorrow is another day". Okay what just happened?  The look on her face was priceless.  It was like she was ready to pour a bowl of hot oil on me.  Haha. 
       Twenty minutes later,  I'm getting the X-ray scan,  even though I highly protested to it,  because I didn't see the need for it,  but Brad was just proving 'Mr I do what I want',  I know its in my best interest but c'mon man, let it be.  I wear their hospital gown.  How I hated this thing.  Or maybe I just hated hospitals in general.  They brought back memories of mum here and of course,  that night.  Something I had been trying so hard to forget.  After a while,  the doctor came to where Brad and I were seated and told us we were done and that the results would be ready in two days.  We thanked him and left the office.

         I looked at my phone,  thirty minutes had gone by,  I wondered if  Miss America was still waiting for him.  I laughed at the thought of the nickname I gave  her.  It suits her,  she looked like she'd  been modeling all her life.  Everything was perfect,  well besides the attitude.  "Something funny?",  it was Brad,  and he was holding my hand,  I let go of his hand and paused,  "its okay Brad,  you can go now,  your girlfriend must be looking for you",  I said,  still wondering why he had stayed this long.  "Wow",  he began,  looking like he was surprised from what I had just said.  "A thank you would have been nice",  oh my,  I hadn't thanked him?.  Great Aubrey,  now he's going to think you're one ungrateful spoiled girl.  "Plus Zoey is not my girlfriend,  uhh,  she's a friend and a colleague,",  he continued "not that it matters to you any way,  its our business".  Who was this this guy?  Acting all sweet one minute and going all 'mind your business' in the other.  "Look,  I'm sorry if I acted ungrateful,  I get that all you wanted to do was help,  but I don't want any issues with Miss America here,  I certainly do not need more enemies in this school",   Brad looked confused,  "uhh,  Miss  America?" He asked,  oh oh.  I just walked away,  thinking of how to clear the mess I just made,  why do you always do this to yourself Aubrey,  "you know,  Miss America,  the competition that allows girls to showcase their modeling skills,  its a good show",  okay now, I didn't know what I was saying,  I had literally run out of words to say so I was just blabbering nonsense.  "Thanks again. Gotta go,  bye",  and with that I ran of,  hitting my head severally on the way.  Today,  I had embarrassed myself in so many ways,  if there was a hole that could just swallow me, now was the time to show up hole!. 

       I walked to the carpark,  my hostel wasn't so far,  from the building I came out from,  but I needed someone to drop me of,  "ahhhh,  why is life this hard!! ??",  I said out loud not caring about the people around me.  I used my right hand to shield the sun from my face,  I was not in the mood for anything but my bed,  and maybe  some vanilla  ice cream. That was when someone hovered my eyes with their palms,  they were the palms of a male,  I could feel them,  "Brad,  its enough,  I told you to go meet your girlfriend already",  the person was obviously  shocked,  because the grip reduced, "Brad?",  the voice asked.  Oh oh,  it wasn't Brad,  it was Adam,  shoot!,  I turned to face him,  he looked cool as always,  he had sunshades on and he looked like he just got a hair cut.  "Hi Adam",   I said, forcing a grin,  "Hey Aubrey",  he answered pecking me,  "seems like you were expecting someone else",  I smiled,  "what? Me?  No",  I smiled again,  hitting his chest.  Why did I just hit his chest? "No just some guy,  that has been following me about".   I lied,  hitting his chest again.  Wait,  why was I lying??  And why did I keep hitting his chest!? 😭.  "Wow,  following you?  Have you reported him?" Adam looked really concerned,  "well,  no,  its nothing serious.  Nothing to worry about",  wow Aubrey,  you're practicing theatre outside of the classroom.  I was so serious that I got Brad concerned.  Wait,  did I just say Brad,  I meant Luke,  no Adam,  gosh what was Brad doing to my head,  "ahhhh leave me!! ",  I said out aloud without even thinking.  "I should leave you?" Adam asked,  obviously confused now,  "yes!",  I held my mouth! Mistake!  "I mean,  No!  Actually you see,  I got this really bad headache,  that has been giving me issues since morning,  and I just want it to leave,  that's why I shouted leave me",  I said playing the act,  holding my head and looking sad.  I could win an OSCAR for this.  "Okay,  have you taken pain  killers? ",  "yes,  I replied,  those didn't work"  nodding my head,  "well,  do you want to go to the medical centre?",  what?  No,  not again,  Aubrey see what happens when you lie?  You have to keep lying till the very end.  Moral lesson - Don't lie.  "Actually,  I think I just need sleep,...  and ice cream" I added,  smiling,  "great,  let's go get it",  I paused,  "oh,  I didn't mean it like that,  like you don't have to",  I said waving my hands in the air like he couldn't hear me.  "I was about to go eat light anyways,  so let's just go",  he said smiling.  He was so sweet. 

      So I entered the car feeling bad because I had lied,  and Adam was the one bearing it and taking care of me.  The only thing I was looking up to right now was the very ice cream🍦 that had been in my head all this while,  the sweet taste of the vanilla favour,  well,  that feeling didn't last.  After a while it finished and I was back to my room,  doing assignments and remembering the events of the day.  I had given Daphne my phone to play a game she was really addicted to.  A cooking game,  she was playing and giggling and not allowing me to concentrate on my assignment.  "Daphne keep it down will you?  A student is trying to study  here".  I said,  rolling my eyes.  Aisha walked in receiving a call and smiling,  "Okay,  yeah,  fine. See you too",  we both dropped what we were doing and looked at Aisha.  Had she gotten back with our prince?,  Or was she on  the phone with the boy Daphne and I saw her with in school?,  I'm sure Daphne was wondering the exact same thing.  Aisha, ended the call and said with so much excitement,  " guess what guys? ,  you won't believe it!!" She was jumping now,  "you got back with Prince Hakeem?" Daphne asked,  "what?  No",  Aisha answered,  like it was the last thing on her 'to do list',  "you have a date with your school crush then?",  I asked now,  "No! Must the good news always be about a guy?" Aisha asked,  showing  irritation of some sort. "Well then what is it??",  I was now loosing my patience.   "Speak girl!",  Daphne added,  "I'm playing lead for the recital!  That was my director and he just called to share d good news!"  

        Yay,  we all jumped around for some seconds,  then a few minutes later we were back to doing what we were doing before Aisha came in.  Daphne still giggling and disturbing me.  There was no point telling her to stop now. She was addicted.  "Daphne honey,  hand over my phone",  I said with a straight face,  just then my phone beeped.  A message had come in,  "you have a message Aubrey",  "I know,  I heard the beep",  I replied,  "who from?",  Daphne walked towards me now,  to hand over the phone,  "it's true caller though,  someone called Brad Peterson",  what?  How the freaking heck did he get my number!?  The message read,  "Hey Aubrey!,  its Brad,  how are you feeling now ?",  Noooooooooooooooo,  I didn't want him to start texting me now,  it'll just increase the weirdness.  Oh well.  What now?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2018 ⏰

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