More surprises

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    Recap :
       Aisha's fiancee meets Daphne and Aubrey in the hall way while  leaving the hostel an introduces himself as the Prince of Jabee,  Hakeem. 
  Aubrey's POV
        My mouth was wide open,  I was still in shock from what I had just heard.  "Prince?" I repeated,  this time alone, while Daphne just walked around.  That was her thing,  she usually did that whenever a surprise hit her.  "Yes prince,  I'm  sure you don't know where Jabee is,  its a tribe under one of the greatest empires,  sindh,  one of the provinces of Pakistan, found in the south east of the country. 

     While Prince Hakeem was going over how important his tribe and his people were to the nation,  my mind kept wandering to many undiscovered lanes,  one was whether Aisha was royalty too.  I mean,  I've been sharing a room with a princess? ,  uhmm,  Is Aisha also a princess of some sort, " ".... Prince Hakeem?"  I asked,  hoping to settle my curiosity,  making sure  to put his title right in  before his name.  "Just Hakeem is fine please",  he spoke up as tough he had heard my thoughts,  "and no,  Aisha is not a princess,  but her father is one of the most influential men in Jabee". 
       "Oh I see",  I turned to Daphne,  she had come back to the spot she stood in before the wandering episode.  "I'm Daphne",  she said,  stretching forth her hand for a handshake,  "and I'm Hakeem" he replied smiling.  "I know,  I heard,  I do have one question though,  what exactly went wrong?  I mean for Aisha to not have mentioned you,  something must have gone wrong right?"  Wow,  that was fast.  Daphne had asked something I had been dying to get answers to.  I shifted my gaze to Hakeem, his mood had changed.  I could see from his facial expression that he was now sad.  "Well,  I think that is something your friend should tell you".  "Goodbye ladies" he added with another smile,  a fake one this time. I could tell.

       When we got to the room,  Aisha was crying on her bed,  we sat by her sides,  and she placed her head on my left shoulder.  "Wanna talk about it?",  I asked,  breaking the silence,  there was no response though,  she only shook her head.  "Well then,  maybe not now",  I turned to face Daphne and she too looked like she was about to start crying with Aisha.  "Its gonna be alright". I spoke looking at Daphne then back at Aisha,  "Everything will be fine".  The words escaping my mouth,  leaving me really wishing I believed them. 

      It was now Wednesday and I had music practicals,  when I say music practicals,  I mean, piano lessons and other instruments I knew close to zero about.  You see most of the people here are very talented,  like amazingly talented,  and I keep wondering where was I when all these gifts were being handed over!?  if only I could perfect one instrument,  just one!! ,  I walked into the music room,  carelessly and absent mindedly I didn't look to check for anyone but the nearest available seat,  sat down brought out my note and a pen to jot  whatever will be said during the lecture,  I mean,  let's fulfill all righteousness,  if I can't play at least I could jot right?  And if you're laughing at me right now,  you're equally a bad person.  Yup,  I just said that,  sue me!
      I looked around to take in my environment,  we were just six,  I guess piano lessons had to be taught more individually than with a large class.  The lecturer walked in,  I'm guessing she was the one because she sat on the seat right at the centre of the class,  were the grand piano was,  every other person had a piano to themselves,  six of us.  I watched her as she moved with so much ease and comfort.  She was so young!  What's up with Juilliard employing young staff anyway?  now,  it just seemed like the young staff were more than the middle aged ones/ old ones.  Or was she also a visiting professor like Brad?  As if she heard my thoughts,  she introduced herself as Miss Zoey Keating,  and the fact that she was a visiting lecturer and was leaving by the end of April.  Of course,  she was also on a course here. 

       She began the lessons and it wasn't as bad as I had pictured.  It was actually cool. She was friendly and made sure we learnt the basics first.  That was very important for people like me who knew close to zero about the piano.  Wondering why I'm taking piano lessons when I'm studying theatre?  Well,  me too.  Turns out, there are these things called electives that we have to do boost our grades,  and 'make us versatile' (in the voice of miss Keating) ,  and it was either this or learning to play the organ,  harp,  saxophone and other instruments that I never even knew existed.  Well,  anything to graduate with good grades and fulfill the Juilliard dream,  if they made climbing mountains compulsory,  I'll still do it.  I was surprised at my own confidence and zeal.  Woah,  where did all this come from? I smiled,  Aubrey is slowly becoming a very mature woman. 
"Hello miss?",  it was miss Keating,  she had caught me in my 'imagination zone' again,  oh why does this always happen to me? 😥,  "yes ma'am",  I answered,  she had come close to me now,  "could you play the key the class just played?", _ uhh?  Did she just say the class just played?  When? "I'm sorry I didn't get that" I answered,  trying to sound polite,  "of course you didn't,  you were in outer space",  please come back to the music room,  so we can move on",  "sure,  I'm sorry",  I said again,  this time I had noticed her more. She was so pretty and elegant.  Like where do they get all these people from?!". 
      The class was almost over when someone knocked and entered without waiting for a reply.  It was Brad.  I sighed.  I hadn't seen him for a while now,  and before I used to think he was always following me around.  Miss Keating turned to face him,  and mouthed,  "sorry,  will be done in five",  oh oh,  looks like they have an appointment.  Made sense that they knew each other though,  they were both visiting lecturers or whatever they called it.  Brad didn't see me.  Oups,  I spoke too soon,  he looked at me and winked then gave a chuckle before going out.  Uhhh?  I was confused,  I looked back to see if there was anyone there,  then to my side but two guys sat beside me.  So me?  Talk about a total package of weirdness.

       At the end of the class,  Miss Keating was packing her  stuff ready to leave and I decided to take a step of faith to meet her to apologize for my behavior today,  when I got there I just stood,  she packed her music scripts into her bag then looked up to see me,  "yes?", _she looked like she was in a hurry and I didn't want to keep her waiting so I spoke up real quick,  "I'm sorry for today,  I just wanted to apologize so you don't think I'm... ",  I didn't get a chance to finish.  She cut me off,  "Look,  I don't have time for this,  I have other important things to attend to than hear a fresher cry for attention",  and with this she shoved me off,  hitting my shoulder while walking away.  Okay what just happened here?,  I was lost,  'cry for attention'?  Were was that even coming from?  Just then,  a girl with purple hair came to stand beside me,  I hadn't moved from that spot,  she whispered,  "way to make your moves on the teacher on day one, take a chill pill girl,  even I, am not even that fast",   then she winked and walked,  no bounced away. I don't know if I was angry or disgusted.  Miss Keating had misjudged me,  this lesbian fellow here had misjudged me and Brad was throwing winks like they meant nothing.  What a day!
      I walked outside to see Brad pecking Miss Keating with her giggling and stamping her right foot.  How did I even notice that tiny detail,  just great!  These people were getting to me and I was not going to take it,  I turned to go the other way,  in my bid to avoid crossing paths with Brad and his lover again today,  it was a longer journey,  but who cares?  Anything for my mental health and stability.  Just as I was about to take the stairs,  I tripped on a banana peel and fell!  Like who on earth eats a banana and throws the peel in the hall way?! 😒😒,  Can't y'all juilliard people be as civilized as you are talented??!! 😤.  Now thankfully the stairs is not a long one,  just three or four steps so I'm safe,  I prepare to get up and pack my books when I see the two human beings I was running away from in the first place.  Great!  Just great.  Now the universe really made my day,  well done😑

Hihi.  Hope u guys enjoyed this part?  Thanks for reading.  Plus suggestions are welcome for the cast of Aisha and Prince Hakeem.  Again,  thank you! Vote and comment. Adios. 

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