A weekend to Remember (A)

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Two weeks had gone by and it was Friday afternoon. Today's practical theatre class was taken by another professor, I heard Brad had taken some time off, I wondered if he was sick. After the incident with his dog, I tried to avoid him or was it he who avoided me? I don't even know, all I know is we rarely bump into each other and when we do there would be an awkward silence and stare. He was the definition of a 'confusing man'. I still remember how he claimed I hadn't gotten into Juilliard on my own and how he mentioned it was because of mum. Had the other judges at my audition recognized me and done some digging to realize I was the daughter of Christiana Parker? no way, I shook my head intending to shake the thought away as if that would work.
I was outside my classroom when I spotted Aisha from afar, she was lost in her discussion with a cute guy (I noticed) she smiled and giggled a lot. I sighed while turning to my right, changing direction when my phone beeped, smiling after seeing the caller Id, I clicked on the accept button. It was a video call from Vanessa, my homie. "Hihi", Vee said, her face radiating as always. Could this girl get any prettier? gosh I was so jealous. "Now you gotta tell me what you're using on that skin of yours girl". She smiled and replied, "is that the way to greet your one and only best friend whom you haven't seen in months?" Oh hell freaking no, she was so not gonna pin this on me! "And whose fault is that? Who decided to bail on me last minute. For crying out loud Vee, I invited you over the day I was leaving for Juilliard, but who knows where Venesaa kress was that day". I rolled my eyes and shook my head, she pouted and gave me one of her sad faces, "you're still mad? " that sounded more like a statement to me than a question. "I'm not mad, Vee, its just.... ", "you called my last name" she added. "ohh,.. " it was a thing for us, whenever I call her full name, she immediately knows my mood has switched. "C'mon Aubrey, u know I was busy", yeah yeah of course she was always busy. "I'm going to file for an annulment. Our friendship will be dissolved since you can't keep to your own part of the commitment " she looked relieved, "and you're back, you've gone lawyer mode. Haha. I love you too Aub", I couldn't hold my smile, "I never said I loved you" I stated, "well you didn't have to, I know you do, besides you know I would never bail on you like that if it wasn't for a really really important purpose, plus school has been pretty tough these days and you know I'm supposed to graduate next year". Yes, I didn't tell you that part about Vee.

While I was doing part time jobs and waiting for Juilliard, Vee had enrolled I'm the university of New York and was studying business management, she had begged me countless times to join her there but I was hell bent on going to Juilliard. That was why every single time I got rejected, I felt I had disappointed not only myself but, dad, Vee and sweet grandma okay fine even uncle Jojo. He had helped me practice countless times with all that "spare time" he got, and thanks to him my last audition was a success and here I am. "Fine, I forgive you, but promise not to bail on me next time". I said having taken all things into consideration, "I promise" she says, smiling joyfully. "Pinky?" I ask, she nods almost immediately, "pinky" she replies. I filled her up on things that have been happening here, told her about Aisha and Daphne, Adam, the mean/confusing professor Brad. She was surprised to hear that I met Brad again and she teased me about Adam. She also told me what has been going on in her life before bringing up the topic of Joyce's wedding. Of course, dad had told her. Dad knew Vee and I were inseparable so he had decided to go through her to get to me. That was very much not needed, cuz I had spoken to Joyce and we agreed on having a little get together /get to know the family this weekend. "So then, I'm assuming you know about this weekend's get together " I said, "yeah sure, I wouldn't miss it for the world". She says. "Great, so we'll see tomorrow then" yep. And with that we ended the call.

I was lost in my thoughts until I realized Daphne had been standing there all this while watching me, "gosh Daphne! You freaking scared me!! She moved closer, grabbed my arm(which was completely unnecessary) and said, "sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, I just didn't want to disturb you". She had this excited look on and I immediately knew what was Coming next, 'an interview session'. I rolled my eyes and sighed while we walked together, with Daphne throwing me questions on my sister and the girl I was just talking with. She seemed pretty surprised when I mentioned Vee was my best friend. I assume most people would. You see, Vee was really hot with a pretty face, perfect brains, everything. She got into NYU after her first trial and I'm sure she was doing well in school. Despite how surprising it is, how she's all 'hot hot', and how I'm you know, 'me', we have been best friends for as long as I can remember. Vee always had my back especially after that night. Plus the fact that our houses were on the same block helped. Vee was always at my house or I at hers. Either way, we get to spend a lot of time together.
I got back to my hostel and was set to pack with I needed to go home. While I was excited about seeing Vee again, I was also curious to get to know more about Jake, Joyce's fiance. Aisha came in a few minutes later, and we both turned to face her, (Daphne and I). "What?" She asked, sitting on her bed and taking off her awesome sneakers (which btw I'm borrowing to rock one of these days) thank you lord for giving me feet that fit into almost everything. My feet were the perfect size. "Oh no", I began, strolling to meet her, "don't give us that face".
"Which face?" She asks in disbelief. "The one you're giving us now" Daphne added. Did I mention I loved her. Haha. She was such a darling. Always on point.(remind me to take that back the next time she gives me another interview session 😁). "Look if this is about Pete... " I looked at Daphne and smiled. "His name is Pete". I said, grabbing a side stool to sit next to her, while Daphne headed straight for her bed and climbed it. All for gist😂.
Oh well. Turned out we just wasted our time and gist spirit (if that's even a thing), as Aisha didn't tell us anything besides that his name was Pete! Gosh she was so damn secretive. Well, I was too, none of them knew about my past. It was still too early I thought. "Don't you have to go home Miss Parker?", Aisha asked with a loud voice. Shoot! I had gotten so carried away with all the girl talk that I had forgotten I was supposed to be on my way home. I packed the small bag I was supposed to take, said my goodbyes and left the room.


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P.s- not edited, please pardon the errors. Gracias.

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