Mr Candy crush! Really?

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As I walked over to meet Mr mean, my mind went through many wonder lanes, one of which was the possible things  I might have done to cause so much meanness on our second official meeting. I walked towards him and noticed he was still scribbling  some words on his notepad.  I wanted to make my arrival known to him so I cleared my throat and he looked up.  I looked sideways found a chair beside me and attempted  to sit.  But guess what?  Mr mean spoke with a crude voice,  "oh,  there's no need for that,  you'll  be leaving  soon".  I forced a smile (even though I was boiling on the inside) "sure,  I'll be leaving  soon.  So what is it? Why did you call me?".  I waited silently,  hoping he won't hurt me more than he already  did.  "I noticed you were  a little carried away during the practical  session,  and I remember  your face from the audition,  don't think because your mum was a known lecturer here that we'd  cut you some slacks,  you'd have to go through  the same pain and stress that everybody here faces.  Am I clear?! " wow I hadn't expected that, and he brought my mum into the picture,  "crystal",  I replied and turned by back to go.  I walked towards the door holding back the tears but my conscience  wouldn't  just let me leave like that,  so I turned back and went to him. 
     "Just so you know,  Mr mean.. "_ he looked at me confused then asked. "Mr mean?  Look I have....",  I cut him short,  I didn't want to hear whatever he had to say.  He had taken it too far when he brought  my mum into the picture.  Who the hell did he think he was anyways?  Just because he was a lecturer here didn't give him the right to talk to me anyhow, however way he pleased.  "I'm not done talking!" Woah... I didn't know where all this confidence was coming from,  trust me I'm never been this bold... to speak to a higher authority  the way I was right now.  "Now,  just so you know,  I'm not relying  on anybody to get my degree here, I had no connections when I auditioned and I have none now,  so clear whatever thoughts you have of me now,  because I am not that type of person",  I was done!  I turned back to go feeling pretty proud of myself,  I had little crowns on my head now and I felt like I trashed him, but that was before this came-  "Is that what you think? " he spoke back,  "that you got into this school by yourself,  is that what you sincerely  think? " what was he yapping about now,  I turned again to ask him,  "what do you mean by is that what I think?" I asked turning  on my serious  mood.  I know I had no connections  so what the hell was he talking  about,  I was really curious  now.  "Speak! " I asked when he remained silent.  "Never mind" he replied "you may now leave" he continued gesturing  to the door.  The word 'furious' couldn't  compare to what I was feeling right now. Someone can't just come out of the blue and insult me like this.  He even brought  in my mom!  If he thought this was gonna end here,  then he had serious zero people skills.  I finally turned and left,  not forgetting  to slam the door hard in annoyance. I heard a sarcastic 'thank you' from him but I was to furious  to even wait one more second in there.  I walked really fast and I didn't know when it happened  again. "BAM" I fell.
.......... ******
   All I know is I woke up to a really bright light,  I was trying  figure out where I was but someone was smiling at me. He looked really really familiar, but I was too weak to recognize  him.  I saw everything  in the double form,  my head hurt,  I was thirsty and the light was damn too bright!  Gush. "You're finally awake" the boy spoke up. Oh,  I recognize this voice,  it was the cute boy I met on my first day. I was wondering  if I was ever going to see him again till the semester  ends,  I mean it wasn't as if I was  deliberately  searching for him,  but I did have my eyes out,  but everything  was of no result,  it was as if he traveled to planet mars or better still Jupiter.  "Water" that was all I was able to voice out.  He turned to another figure  and repeated the same thing "water",  he looked back at me,  "she needs water".  The figure  went away and came back with a glass.  He fed it to me and I got up to drink.  I began to take in my surroundings.
  We were in a room that looked like the hospital. "Where am I? " I asked him, "and what happened? " he looked really happy,  he was smiling  all over the place like I just woke up from the dead or something.  "Well,  it seems like we're  always meeting  like this" he began,  "you were in such a hurry that you came out of nowhere without looking then hit me,  uhmm you hit your head on my sax when we both fell and you passed out".  Wow,  I fell,  I remember.  You're so clumsy Aubrey,  gush,  why are you so clumsy? I hit my head as if that would help,  I looked around again.  "Oh,  we're at the schools medical facility and this is nurse Vera. She's a friend. I smiled at her and she smiled back.  "I'm so sorry,  I caused you so much trouble."  I said looking down and feeling disappointed.  "What? I should be the one apologizing,  you're the one on the hospital bed.  I'm really sorry for putting you in this condition",  I smiled "you say it like its a big deal,  I didn't break my bones or anything so its okay.  Uhmm,  how long was I out?" It was nurse Vera that replied,  "two hours,  you'll be okay to go as soon as you take these pain killers".  I smiled again. It was all his fault!  That mean one eyed monster that calls himself a professor.  Indeed. 
  Later that day,  Adam gave me a ride back to my hostel.  I later discovered that he was a third year music student.  He was the first child and his mum  was a doctor and he had two junior sisters.  Twins..  He got to the front of my hostel and I got down.  "Thanks again for the ride Adam,  and for everything,  I'm really grateful"  I was very  tired.  We exchanged phone numbers and I turned to leave.  Just then I saw Aisha standing at the entrance  of the hostel and giving me this mischievous  smile,  a few seconds later,  Daphne joined her,  they were  smiling like I just won  a lottery  or something.  "Okay guys I have just three words for you.  "Its not what you think".  I said smiling and walking past the entrance. "Those were five words ",   Daphne pointed out looking kind of confused.  In fact  I didn't even care right now,  Adam had dropped me off. And it happened  to be that I always embarrass myself each time I see him.  He collected my number too! .  When he asked for it,  I tried  my very best to remain calm and not show how happy  I was but I was dancing for joy in my head.  We walked upstairs  together with Aisha talking  about how cute Adam was and Daphne blabbing about something  else which I can't remember  now.  Like I said "I didn't even care.  I just rode with Adam! ".  
   When we got to the passage  that leads to our room we saw,  Big Susan as Daphne calls her.  She was Daphne's macho roommate.  She looked at us mischievously and turned towards Daphne who was currently  trembling.  "Hey aren't you gonna come home? " she said.  Okay,  I was lost.  She called that small room home?  Wow.  She's got issues man.  "No. Not for  now" Daphne replied.  "Cool,  so I can bring my friends over" she concluded.  That wasn't even a question,  it was a conclusion.  She couldn't  do that,  it was still Daphne's room too.  As if Daphne read my thoughts  she frowned and said  "you can't do that,  that's still my room! ",  Big Susan looked at Daphne like one little ant,  well all ants are little,  but you get the point.  She was so huge!  I wondered how many times a day she ate. Gush!  "But you just said you're not coming  back, equals I can bring whoever the hell I want over,  yeah? " that sounded more of a statement than a question.  Daphne looked like she couldn't  say anything.  She was shaking.  Literally!  I had to step in.  "Hey!  You can't do that.  She could report you,  you know",  Big Susan looked at me and asked "and you are? ".. I was about to  introduce  myself  but she shushed me and replied,  "I don't care baby".  She was so mean. Why do I keep  meeting mean people? ,  arghhhh!  From the professor to big mean Susan here.  It was just my first week!. Susan walked out on us.  We walked to our room with Aisha telling me I should have kept shut and minded my business to avoid further trouble,  it was true,  she was right. We entered, I sighed and locked the door behind us. 

.. **********
Hii guys.  Okay so I don't even know where to start from in apologizing for taking ages to update. But I'm really sorry.  I hope you guys liked this chapter.  Please drop your suggestions in the comment section and don't forget to like.  Gracias 😘

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