Becoming Acquainted 2

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       The next morning, I woke up feeling really tired. Aisha seemed really quiet and I didn't bother making further conversations with her last night. I decided to arrange my stuff today and organize my own part of the room. I had already started placing the wallpaper I brought on the wall, struggling to get it fixed when I felt someone's arm hover above mine.

"This is really pretty". It was Aisha, she had come out from wherever she was and looked really pretty too this morning.  Hmmmm or had she always been pretty and I just didn't notice because I was too tired or because of her hijab. She didn't have it on today. She was in jeans and a tank top. She let her brown hair down and wore really nice sandals.

"Okay this is weird," she continued. "Your eyes are giving me these vibes. I'm straight, just so you know...and uhmmm, I understand if you're, you know, not. It's not like I have anything against you guys but I'd like if we set some boundaries here". It took me a minute for me to realise she was referring to me as a lesbian, and she had this straight face on.

"What?" I had to get down for this, I looked at her and started laughing. She had this confused look, now she didn't know why I was laughing. Heck! I didn't even know why I was laughing. I stopped and looked deep into her eyes, then I began "I am not a lesbian. Not a lesbian!" I brought out my phone and showed her the picture of me and Jeffrey, my last boyfriend. "See? This is my last boyfriend, Jeff," I said, pointing at the image. "You can relax." I smiled and turned to my wall paper again.

Then, she started her own laughter, this time louder and even more girly. "Okay, fine, I'm sorry for assuming." She smiled and continued. "I feel like we got off on an awkward foot. We could be really close, you seem like a cool person"

Awwwn, I felt touched. This must be the first person to think I'm cool in a long time and here I was thinking I had lost it. I still got it in me, baby.
We started gisting about random stuff, about our high school life and the degrees, we were pursuing now, then, about Juilliard and then, about some other stuff.

Then, she paused and said, "Was that really your last boyfriend, Geoffrey?"
Many people often got his name wrong, that's why he didn't like being called his full name but Jeff. According to him "Jeff" suited him more.

"Jeffrey," I corrected. "His name is Jeffrey, and yes, he was. Why?" Now she was giving me this  'I don't believe you look'.

"What were you, sixteen?" Woah...there it was, 'the boyfriend talk'. The talk I dreaded.  "Nah", I began, letting the words flow like it meant nothing to me. "Fifteen actually, that was a close guess". I turned to my bed and began to lay it, trying to keep myself busy. What happened that night had hunted me for years, I hated the story. I didn't like telling it to anyone. Maybe when we're much closer, I'd share it with her. It was a new dawn for me. I had already decided to forget everything, leave the past in the past and rewrite my story, and I was gonna change it for the better. It was already happening, I was in Juilliiard! The stepping stone to fulfilling my dreams.
I think Aisha noticed I wasn't in the mood to answer any question she had, oh, cuz I know she had a lot of questions. They were written all over her curious face. So I changed the topic.

"What's up with you anyways? Yesterday, you were looking all preserved and today,  you're looking all hot. I don't get it. Just then, she put on her apple laptop and tried to evade the question. I knew she was because that was the same thing I tried to do. She only muttered, "I'm just different, and it doesn't please some people".

Her voice was so low that if I hadn't strained my ears and moved a little close to her, it would have been difficult for me to have heard what she said.
Just then, there was a loud scream and a bang on our door. We both looked at ourselves and then at the door. We had our scared faces on but I knew nothing bad could happen to us, we were safe here, so I got up and went to the door and asked what every other security conscious person would ask.

"Who's it?"

Thankfully, the door had a peephole.
I looked through it to see that it was just a girl who looked harmless, as if she heard my thoughts she answered, "please open up, I'm harmless" , I turned to get the approval of Aisha, she nodded and I opened up. The girl came inside and breathed a sigh of relief. She looked around the same age with me and she looked like a girly girl, she was all pinkish and purplish. She even wore a pink wig, she removed her wig and moved to the arm chair near my bed then looked at both our faces, still breathing hard. I immediately knew she was waiting for our approval to sit, so I said "you can go ahead and Sit if you want" she sat while muttering a 'thank you'. Then she began. "I'm so sorry to intrude but I have the craziest roommate ever". When she started talking I noticed she had a really soft voice to complement her girly features, plus her natural hair was blond: great!. She got up and stretched forth her hand to shake me, I was nearer to her, Aisha was on her bed on the opposite side of the room. "I'm Daphne, a second year student of the school of theater and dance", okay, maybe this wasn't so bad after all, she was doing my course. "I accepted her handshake and introduced myself too. She looked shocked that I was also doing theater and dance and I wonder why. She looked over to Aisha and waved "Hi" she said and presented a cheerleader smile. Yup definitely a girly girl. I just sighed and went back to my bed. "I'm Daphne, a second year student of the school of theater and dance, and you?" Okay, I forced myself not to burst into laughter, I mean what was this! A circus? She obviously didn't have to reintroduce herself to Aisha, she was there all the while, and she's not deaf. I looked at Aisha and saw that she was forcing the laugh in too. "I'm Aisha", she began, "a second year student of music" woah how had I skipped that part, I didn't know she was in her second year.
  Aisha continued the conversation, "uhmm, back to your roommate issue" the girl looked lost, then she replied an "uhh"? Oh save us, this girl must have been caught up in whatever she was thinking cuz Aisha had to remind her of the reason she came banging on our door in the first place. "You said your roommate was crazy, wasn't that why you knocked in the first place?" Yup. Aisha brought her back to reality. "Oohh, you won't believe it, she brought a saw into the room! She has piercings all over her body, she looks like a macho, a street fighter, today she was sharpening her sword and dagger right there in the room", I couldn't take it anymore, I burst into laughter, I laughed so hard, my ribs started aching. It took me a while to notice that both Daphne and Aisha were looking at me, so I had to stop. I put on my serious face and apologized, "I'm sorry, its just I couldn't...." Just then, Daphne cut me off..."its okay, I understand its funny to you, but you're not the one who has to sleep with one eye open, fearing for her life" immediately I saw she was serious, she actually looked really sad, she just sat on the armchair looking like a little girl that had been deprived of her dull. Okay maybe that wasn't a good example, sue me! Just then, Aisha spoke "Why don't you report to the hostel authorities to get a change of room, I mean its still early in the semester, they could still do something, right?" She looked at me, waiting for my response, that was my cue! "Right!" I answered.."I guess they could do something, switch roommates or something". Immediately the thought of having to switch rooms crossed my mind, no, no, no. There was no way I was gonna switch rooms with miss barbie here. Aisha seems like a cool person and I'm keeping her. I made this resolution in my mind. I looked at Daphne, she looked so depressed and almost like she was about to cry. "I tried that already", her voice came out shaky, "turns out the swords woman has been here for a long time and has connections isn't willing to leave, I can only change rooms but all the rooms are taken, I'd have to move out and stay off campus, that's the only way. Awwn. Okay I actually felt for her now, I left my bed and went over to give her a warm embrace. "I'm sorry for laughing earlier, you're welcome to our room anytime, we'll accommodate you", those words left my mouth without me thinking, I looked at Aisha's face and realized what I had just said, Aisha only nodded and concurred, "yes dear, anytime you want" oh oh.... Seems like this "anytime has been emphasized really well", this was it. Goodbye to freedom!.


      Thank you for reading and sorry for taking so much time again before uploading. Okay, so you can comment about the new character 'Daphe' ..and don't forget to vote! Pardon my mistakes as this chapter isn't edited. Enjoy!

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