A weekend to Remember (B)

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      East Hampton was a two hour drive away from Lincoln centre; the heart of Juilliard.  I took a cab and got home quite on time.  It was 5:46pm,  grandma came to hug me and started talking about how she misses me and stuff.  Dad just kept saying the school was near that I should come home more frequently.  Like really people?! Its just been three weeks! Its not three months or three years but three freaking weeks!.  I saw Joyce come out from the kitchen with two plates in her in both hands.  "C'mon guys,  let her enjoy her stay in school, now you have got to get used to missing her.  Aubrey's all grown up now",  she said.  "Thank you",  I stated barely allowing her to finish talking,  then I went to hug her,  I had totally forgotten about the plates she was holding, until I heard her muttering "too tight,  too heavy.. " I released  her and said "oops sorry",  then collected the plates from her.  She asked me about school and I told her stuff that had been happening.  Uncle Jojo kept whining  of how I should still come home often,  while grandma supported him whilst bringing in her awesome delicacies.  Vee came I'm like ten minutes  later and we went up to my room together. I changed into dinner appropriate clothes while Vee just sat on my bed and rushed her talk because  she knew they'll be calling us down anytime now. 
        "Aubrey,  Vee,  time for dinner,  our guests are here!",  that was dad's voice.  I put on some lipstick and turned to face  Vee for approval.  "C'mon u look pretty as always" Vee said with a smile.  I didn't even know why I was bothering  myself  to look good. I mean I wasn't the bride.  We heard a knock,  someone opened the door,  it was Joyce,  "C'mon Jake and others are here",  I raised an eyebrow,  "others?",  what did she mean by 'others',  I thought we were expecting only Jake. "Yeah, and others,  now hurry up,  time to meet some acquaintances",  and with that she went back and shut the door behind her.  I looked at Vee and sighed,  "Great more people",  we went down the stairs when we heard voices,  I wondered how many they were.  When we got to the table,  I saw three other people. I recognized Jake and there was a woman sitting there too,  but then the other guy got up immediately I got there to answer a call,  so I couldn't see his face.  I said my greetings and sat,  down with Vee by my side.  Joyce cleared her throat and began,  "Aubrey this is Jake my fiance, you've met him once in July" yeah I remembered,  I had met him during one of the dinners organized by Joyce's school,  which might I add(I was forced by dad to attend).  We shook hands and he smiled,  I looked at Joyce she seemed so excited.  I was happy for her. He also greeted Vee when she was introduced by Joyce,  she introduced the other woman as Jake's mum. What?  This woman looked so young,  I wouldn't  have guessed she was Jake's mum.  She was young and dressed elegantly. Then the other guy came back and said, "sorry for that.. " what the hell? I had to be sure  I heard the right voice.  This was so not happening  right now. 

       It was Brad freaking Peterson!  My mean professor. What was he doing here? He hadn't  seen me yet as he was still facing Joyce and Jake's mum,  Laura.  What should  I do? Different  thoughts  came to my mind,  I thought of covering my face,  getting up and retreating to my room,  or putting my head under the table and staying  there till the end of dinner.  I hit my head to shake off the feeling.  Again,  as if that would work. "Aubrey,  are you okay?",  it was dad's voice,  "uhh, I'm good",  I said looking at him confused.  I looked at Brad almost immediately  and our eyes jammed.  Great!  There was no hiding spot for me now. I rolled my eyes and faced down.  I don't even know what I was scared of or running  away from.  This was my house,  he was the intruder.  I thought. "And this is Brad,  he's Jake's best friend and the best man".  What?  The best man?  Really. I faked a smile and said "nice to meet you again",  "again?",  Joyce asked looking surprised.  Jake came in here,  "oh yeah,  Brad's doing a one year research project at Juilliard,  so there's a chance they  would have met there".  At that moment everyone on the table faced Brad and I to get more explanations and coincidentally,  we were sitting directly opposite each other.  The universe really really liked me,  like they loved me.  'Thank you universe for putting me in this very awkward position. I have been waiting for just this!',  I shook my head and smiled at my own sarcasm. Brad was the one who spoke,  "Yep. We have met, in fact,  I'm actually  one of her professors",  "professor?" Everyone at the table said at almost the same time.  Grandma spoke up,  "but how can you be a professor,  you're so young",  grandma I know you're sweet and all,  but please  don't make this more awkward for me,  I begged in my head.

         Brad just smiled and said "Am I now?",  proud jerk.  Everyone turned to face me,  what?  Oh oh,  I think I said that out loud again.  I hit my head, why do I keep doing this to myself. "That's no way to speak to your professor,  Aubrey,  have I not taught you well,  now apologize",  "visiting professor" I corrected. ".. remember, he's  not really my professor,  he's just doing a research project". I said trying to defend myself  but I highly doubted that was point enough. "Doesn't matter, still apologize" grandma added.  What?  Grandma wouldn't make me do this.  "This is getting pretty interesting" uncle Jojo said, butting into the conversation.  "Your grandma is right Aubrey,  apologize immediately!",  dad joined in the gang up against me.  "I'm sorry,  I didn't mean that",  I was forced to say. "Its okay".   Brad said and that was all.  We started eating and during dinner, Vee and Brad engaged in a discussion.  They knew themselves from that skydiving episode and I wondered how it was so easy for Vee to relate with Brad so well. Joyce said she had an announcement to make after dinner.  So we took a toast and then she announced that I was going to be her Chief bridesmaid.  I spitted the wine in my mouth out and started choking.  What? This had got to be a joke. Vee helped me pat my back and I felt better. "What about Clara?" I asked  Clara was Joyce's med school friend.  "She can't make it for the wedding,  she's doing some voluntary work in Africa",  Joyce stated.  "And Jennifer? " I asked,  I mean there was gotta be someone.  Why  would Joyce choose me?.  "No no,  I don't want Jennifer,  I want you",  she looked sad now,  "look,  I understand  if you don't wanna do it but.... ",  now I felt bad.  "Of course I want to do it",  I said,  "I'm just kind of surprised you chose me.  Uhh and you're sure about this?" I asked,  silently hoping she'd change her mind. "Yeah. I'm sure.  Of course I'm sure Aubrey,  you're my one and only sister".  Great,  I thought,  "Great! Then We've got a wedding to plan" I said smiling.  This was gonna be hard, I thought,  plus Brad was the best man. Just what I needed!  I sighed and looked at Vee,  she just held my hand and nodded.  That was her way of assuring me that it was going to be alright. 

     After dinner,  I helped clean up,  I was so tired,  everyone had  left even Vee.  Afterwards,   I was in my room trying trying  to arrange some stuff,  when Joyce waked in.  "Hi",  she began,  I looked at her and patted the bed,  gesturing for her to sit. "Hi",  I answered,  sitting down almost immediately after she did. "I'm really sorry for everything",  I looked at her confused,  "for what? " I asked.  Why was she apologizing. I was the one who was supposed to apologize here.  I had acted out and tried to fix this 'chief bridesmaid thing' on someone else.  Honest truth- I wasn't  sure I was the right person for the job.  I didn't want to go and mess up anything there.  Plus Brad being the best man didn't help.  "I'm sorry for not being the best sister.  I mean a lot of times I should have been there for you,  but I was just not there",  she looked like she was about to release a whole lot of tears.  Awwwwn.  I moved closer to her and hugged her.  "Its okay,  Joyce,  its not your fault .",  she continued  still,  "no,  its not okay,  I should have been a better sister,  I know the trauma you went through  after that night,  and I really wanted to be there for you,  but I just couldn't and I don't even know why,  and now  I come and pin this whole maid of honor thing on you",  she patted her head and faced down.  She was crying now,  like really crying.  She brought  up 'that night'. It was not totally her fault,  I blamed myself for every single thing, then when mum died,  it just became  worse  for me,  so I isolated myself from everyone else. "Its okay Joyce,  really.  We're  gonna be much closer now".  We hugged for about three minutes or so.  Then my phone started ringing.  I looked at the caller id,  it was Adam.  Joyce saw it too,  "you're smiling,  that must be the boyfriend ",  no,  I tried to say,  and explain to her that Adam and I were just friends, but she didn't give me a chance to,  she just shushed me and said,  "let me allow you to rest". With that she left the room.  I looked at the phone,  smiled again and went along to slide the answer button.


Thanks for reading this chapter.  Suggestions are welcome for the cast of Joyce and Vanessa.  Also Aisha and Daphne.  Who do you guys think I should cast as them? 😊.  Tell me in the comment box and don't forget to vote.  Much love.

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