chapter two

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noceur (n.)
one who stays up late
-Collie's Journal, Edition 1

          AS morning arises, the sky above Hawkins is painted with dripping pinks that slowly fade into the pale blue of day, casting light upon the town

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AS morning arises, the sky above Hawkins is painted with dripping pinks that slowly fade into the pale blue of day, casting light upon the town. A soft autumn breeze blows through, rustling the weak leaves clinging to the tree limbs.

Colleen moves about her kitchen swiftly, setting a small plate of eggs and toast out on the table before finishing her own breakfast. As she rinses the dishes, the clicking of heels reaches her ears.

Eleanor Raynes possesses raven hair that's pulled in its usual bun atop her head, and her meadow green eyes cut directly into her daughter's soul. She dons crisp dress clothes, her purse hanging in the crook of her arm.

"Good morning, Mother," Colleen says with a grin as she dries her hands. "Breakfast is on the table."

Eleanor's lipstick-painted lips curve upwards in a small smile as she places the tiniest of kisses on Colleen's cheek. "Hello, dear," she says. "I'm sorry, but I don't have time for breakfast this morning. I've got to run to work."

Colleen stares after her, her mother's late work schedule coming to mind. "Noceur," she says under her breath.

Eleanor clicks over to the garage door and produces her keys from the hook as she asks absentmindedly, "How was practice last night?"

Colleen shrugs and says, "Good." She purposefully leaves a key event of the evening out. "I walked to the grocery store afterwards and Jonathan gave me a ride home."

Eleanor nods and opens the door, then calls over her shoulder, "By the way, I called Joyce. You're going to have dinner with them tonight. I haven't gone grocery shopping yet."

With that, she closes the door. A moment later, Colleen hears the car start up and leave the garage. Grabbing the plate of untouched breakfast, she drops the food in the trash and puts the plate in the sink.

"You never go grocery shopping," she mutters.

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