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Advesperascit (v.)

the approaching dark, the evening draws near

-Collie's Journal, Edition 1

  COLLIE, Jonathan, and Nancy sat in the hall of Hawkins high school, silent as they stared straight ahead

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  COLLIE, Jonathan, and Nancy sat in the hall of Hawkins high school, silent as they stared straight ahead. Jonathan's arm was wrapped around Collie, who sat still as a statue, her eyes wide. Hopper and Joyce left to go to the gate at Hawkins Lab and save Will, and the boys and Eleven were in the gym. Finally, Nancy broke the silence and announced,

  "We have to go back to the station," Collie and Jonathan turned to face her.

  "What?" He questioned as he furrowed his brows. Nancy raised her eyebrows.

  "Your mom and Hopper are just walking in there like bait. That, that thing is still in there. And we can't just sit here and let it get them, too. We can't," Her voice cracked and she stopped. Collie asked in a small voice, gripping Jonathan's hand,

  "You still wanna try it?" Nancy narrowed her eyes and replied lowly, 

  "I wanna finish what we started. I want to kill it."

  Twenty minutes later, the three were in the Byers' house, gearing up for war. Though Collie still felt hollow, Hopper's words stuck with her and she tried to be strong. They screwed the hundreds of Christmas lights back into their sockets, and nailed the bear trap to the floor in the hallway. Nancy covered the floor in gasoline and Collie loaded her rifle, Jonathan hammering nails into a baseball bat. To top it off, they delicately placed down a yo-yo that led back to Will's room.

  The trio stood together, each holding a knife.

  "Remember," Nancy said.

  "Straight into Will's room, and don't step on the trap," added Collie with a nod.

  "Wait for the yo-yo to move, then-" Jonathan flicked on his lighter, staring at the flame. He looked to Collie and Nancy. "You ready?" They both nodded in unison. "On three," He said. He looked up and hesitated, staring at the knife Collie pressed against her palm. "You guys don't have to-"

  "Three!" Collie cut in, and they all cut into their hands. Blood immediately pooled in their hands, dripping onto the carpet as they cringed.

  Soon, Nancy double-checked the trap as Jonathan wrapped up Collie's hand, his already bearing the white bandage. He concentrated on patching her up, not even noticing that she was staring at him intently. They perked up as a rustle came from outside, their hearts racing.

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