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an overwhelming urge to run away

-Collie's Journal, Edition 2

  IN the gym of Hawkins high school,  Collie and Jonathan stood, watching as the boys cheered when the egg floated in the pool

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  IN the gym of Hawkins high school,  Collie and Jonathan stood, watching as the boys cheered when the egg floated in the pool. It was filled with salt water, fifteen hundred pounds to be exact. Jonathan glanced over at Collie, who seemed to be staring off into space.

  "Ollie," he said softly, taking her hand, "what's wrong?" She blinked and looked up at him, her grip on him tightening. She shook her head slowly and replied,

  "I don't know. Something just feels... wrong," He pulled her close to him and pressed a kiss to the top of her head, wrapping an arm around her waist. 

  "It'll be alright," he murmured into her hair. Collie tilted her head up to look at him and he gave her a weak smile, leaning down to touch his lips to hers. She resisted the urge to grab him and roughen the kiss, so she settled with grabbing the back of his neck to pull him closer. When they pulled apart, they simply stood together, feeling each other's warmth.

  Soon, they were ready. Everyone gathered around as Eleven stepped into the pool, glancing to Collie. 

  "Right here?" Eleven questioned. Collie kneeled by the pool, nodding.

  "I'll be right here," she said. Eleven pulled on the duct-taped goggles Joyce had made. She lay down, and she floated in the salt water, her pink dress billowing around her. Tense silence passed between the group until the lights overhead flickered, a tingling sensation in the back of Collie's head growing.

  All eyes stayed on Eleven as she floated in the water. After a minute, she murmured,

  "Barbara," Nancy's eyes widened as she leaned forward and questioned the girl,

  "Is Barb okay? Is she okay?" Overhead, the lights flickered more quickly and Eleven shifted in the water, muttering,

  "Gone... gone..." Nancy's mouth hung open and her eyes filled with tears as she sat back, in shock. Collie and Jonathan linked hands, holding each other tightly as Joyce comforted Eleven as best as she could. After another quiet moment, Eleven whispered,

  "Castle Byers," Jonathan tensed beside Collie and they exchanged looks, the lights suddenly going dark. "...Will?" Joyce gasped and said hurriedly,

  "You tell him, you tell him I'm coming. Mom is coming," Beside Hopper, the walkie talkie suddenly crackled and Will's strained voice carried through,

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