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Phosphenes (n.)

the colors or 'stars' you see when you rub your eyes

-Collie's Journal, Edition 2

  SLOWLY, the others trailed after Jonathan as he padded into the living room

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  SLOWLY, the others trailed after Jonathan as he padded into the living room. His bat raised, he looked around, though the creature was gone. However, Steve was not handling it as well as the other three.

  "This is crazy, this is crazy, this is crazy!" He shouted, running a hand through his hair. He shook his head and went to grab the phone, though Nancy ripped it from his hold and tossed it away. "What are you doing?" He yelled. "Are you insane?!"

  "It's going to come back!" Countered Nancy dangerously. "So you need to leave right now!" Steve hesitated a moment, looking around at the three, then scrambled out the front door. Collie narrowed her eyes as a shiver went down her spine, her head aching.

  "You okay?" Jonathan asked, coming close. Before she could reply, the lights began to flicker again and Collie's grip tightened on her rifle. They were plunged in darkness for seconds at a time as the lights blinked, the three turning in circles as they looked for the monster.

  "Where is it?" Nancy questioned.

  "You see it?"


  "Come on, come on, you son of a b-" Jonathan stopped as all the lights abruptly went out, leaving them in the pitch dark. The only sounds were their ragged breaths and shuffled footsteps as their hearts thundered in their ears. Suddenly, the lights went insane, flickering quicker than ever as Collie and Nancy screamed, the monster towering over them. It lunged and pinned Jonathan to the floor, roaring as saliva dripped onto his face.

  "Jesus!" Collie shouted and aimed carefully, squeezing the trigger. Her rifle blasted shot after shut until it clicked, out of ammo and her eyes widened. The creature looked up at her and snarled, leaving Jonathan as it rushed at her.

  "Collie!" Jonathan yelled. Suddenly, Steve jumped in front of Collie and swung Jonathan's spiked bat, which had rolled out of his grip. He hit the monster straight on, causing it to shriek and stumble back.

  "Steve!" Exclaimed Nancy in relief. Steve struck the monster again and again, herding it into the hallway. Its foot stepped in the bear trap and the sharp metal teeth crunched around its leg, blood spurting out from the wound.

  "Jonathan, now!" Collie yelled over its cries of pain. Jonathan produced his lighter and flicked it open, tossing it into the hallway. The gasoline-soaked carpet immediately ignited in a blaze of fire, engulfing the creature almost completely. It screamed, held down by the bear trap as the flames licked at it hungrily. 

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