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Cafune (v.)

running your fingers through someone you love's hair

-Collie's Journal, Edition 3

  COLLIE  nervously played with the hem of her shirt as she watched the sheriff's office secretary, Flo, put ice in a bag

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  COLLIE  nervously played with the hem of her shirt as she watched the sheriff's office secretary, Flo, put ice in a bag. Nancy waited out in the hall, and Jonathan sat handcuffed in a chair in the office. Collie hesitated a moment, then leaned forward and questioned,

  "Do you think we'll be out of here soon?"

  "You two girls, yes." Flo replied, barely even glancing up from wrapping the ice in a cloth, "Him, no. He assaulted a police officer." Collie sighed and rubbed her eyes in slight exasperation.

  "How long are you going to keep him?" She asked. Flo glanced to her, raising an eyebrow.

  "You and your boyfriend have plans, do you?" She inquired. Collie's ears turned a shade of pink as she stumbled over her words,

  "Um, h-he's not my b-boyfriend..." The phrase almost felt wrong to say, tasting bad in her mouth. She cringed, obviously not believing what she said.

  "I think you better tell him that," the secretary retorted. Collie tilted her head in confusion, staring at her.

  "I'm sorry?"

  "Only love makes you that crazy, sweetheart, and that damn stupid," Flo stated, giving her the bag of ice. Collie stood and stared after her, her mind a jumbled mess of information. She found her way back to the office and took a seat next to Jonathan, whose wrists were cuffed to a desk.

  "I got some ice," Collie announced as he turned to her. 

  "Thanks," Jonathan attempted to give her one of his crooked smiles. He leaned over as she gently pressed it to his eye, sighing as they sat quietly. "Are you okay?" He questioned after a minute. She gave him an odd look.

  "Yeah. Why?" He shrugged, glancing away.

  "'Cause Steve, h-he hit you, and I just..." He trailed off, shaking his head. "I'm really sorry, Ollie, I-I shouldn't have let him hurt you-" 

  Collie cut him off as she leaned forward and kissed him passionately. He silenced, shivering as she ran her fingers through his hair. When at last they pulled apart, she smiled a bit and murmured,

  "Cafune," Jonathan stared at her and chuckled, kissing her nose.

  "You know, I hardly ever know what you're saying," he stated as she giggled. 

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