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Fantods (n.)

state of extreme anxiety or distress

-Collie's Journal, Edition 2

  THAT evening, when Jonathan dropped Collie off, she sank a little in her seat upon seeing her house

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  THAT evening, when Jonathan dropped Collie off, she sank a little in her seat upon seeing her house. She wanted to go back to Indy and dance again, wanted to escape the reality of what was happening in Hawkins.

  "Thanks, Jonathan," Collie sighed, unbuckling herself. Jonathan stared up at her house, then suddenly reached into his bag and withdrew his camera, giving her a hopeful look.

  "Photoshoot?" He questioned. Collie let a soft giggle escape and nodded her head, the pair emerging from the car.

  "In the backyard," Collie suggested, leading him around the side of the house. He followed her closely, the corners of his mouth tugging upwards in a tiny smirk.

  "Do you still have that old swing we put up in sixth grade?" He asked, recalling the few weeks they spent working on it every day after school.

  "Of course," she replied, glancing back at him with a smile. He returned it as she opened the gate, walking into the backyard that was rarely used.

  A single oak tree stood tall in the corner of the yard, the leaves wearing colors of a sunset, dancing together as they fell to the ground. An old, rusted swing hung from one of the branches, the seat for two neglected and weathered.

  "Here," Jonathan patted the swing. Collie sat where he indicated, attempting to fix her hair. "No, leave it!" He scolded, kneeling before her and getting his camera ready. "Alright, now put your hands on the chains like you're swinging,"

  Doing as he instructed, Collie held the chains and listened to the familiar shutter open and close. For what seemed like forever, but was only half an hour, they took pictures, from different angles and positions.

  Finally, he sat on the swing beside her, Collie's head resting in his lap as she lay on her back and gazed up at the purple sky. Jonathan tinkered with his camera, adjusting the settings, as she sighed contentedly. To her, this was the perfect evening.

  She closed her eyes, only then realizing how tired she was. Shifting, Collie unconsciously nestled into Jonathan, causing him to look down at her with a soft expression.

  Seeing the opportunity, he raised his camera and snapped a photo of her from above, capturing her peaceful features. Jonathan glanced at his watch, then gently nudged Collie until her eyes opened.

  "Ollie," he murmured, "I have to go," Collie hummed and sat up, the two of them standing.

  "See you tomorrow?" She asked, sleepiness tugging at her eyelids. He smiled and replied,

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