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Levin (n.)

lightning, thunderbolts

-Collie's Journal, Edition 3

-Collie's Journal, Edition 3

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 JONATHAN descended the steps to the Wheeler's basement, where the boys howled in triumph over their Dungeons and Dragons campaign. 

  "Geez, have you guys been eating pizza all day, or just farting?" Jonathan asked as they turned to look at him. Lucas laughed and sang in a high voice,

  "Dustin farted! Dustin farted!" Will gathered his things and bid his friends goodbye, following his brother back up the stairs. 

  "You have fun?" Questioned Jonathan as they walked through the kitchen and waved to Mrs Wheeler, who was making dozens of desserts.

  "Yeah!" Will nodded as they rounded the corner. Standing by the door and talking to Nancy was Collie, her hair tied in a bun and her clothes dusted with snow. Even though they'd been dating for a month, Jonathan still got butterflies in his stomach when he looked at her.

  "Hey, bud!" Collie grinned, ruffling Will's hair as he laughed. "Did you win?" 

  "Uh-huh!" He replied happily. Nancy turned to Jonathan, handing him a wrapped box. 

  "Merry Christmas," she spoke with a small smile. 

  "Thanks, um... I didn't get you anything," Jonathan rubbed the back of his neck. Collie laughed, as she'd already given Nancy her present, a small bracelet with Nancy's initials on it. In return, Nancy had gotten her a new red scarf, which she now wore. 

  "No, it's not really a present." Nancy shook her head. "It's... well, you'll see." Collie gave her a quick hug and allowed Jonathan to take her hand and lead her and Will outside, where they could see their breaths crystallize in the air.

  In Jonathan's car, Will clambered into the back and pointed to the present from Nancy as Jonathan and Collie buckled up.

  "Can I open it?" He questioned. Jonathan nodded,

  "Sure, go ahead." Will excitedly tore into the present, the two older teens watching him with smiles. He tossed the paper away to reveal the object within, which was a brand new camera, much to Jonathan's surprise.

  "Cool!" Marveled Will as he examined the box. Jonathan looked at Collie, who grinned brightly, but decided not to ask if she knew. In reality, she had known, but it had been Steve who payed for most of it. 

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