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Alexithymia (n.)

the inability to express your feelings

-Collie's Journal, Edition 3

  THE group watched from a distance as over a dozen men in suits confiscated box after box of items from the Wheeler's house, loading them into trucks

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  THE group watched from a distance as over a dozen men in suits confiscated box after box of items from the Wheeler's house, loading them into trucks. 

  "I have to go home," declared Nancy as she watched her home be practically ransacked. 

  "No, you can't," retorted Hopper as he watched the scene through a pair of binoculars. Nancy whirled around to face him.

  "My mom, my dad are there!" She exclaimed, throwing her hands up.

  "They're gonna be okay," Hopper countered. Nancy glared at him and began to walk to her house, though the chief stopped her and tried to get her to be rational. 

  Inside the car, Collie watched them argue back and forth, feeling Jonathan clasp her hand with his. It was quiet until Joyce glanced back at them and struggled to find words,

  "I... I didn't know you two were... a thing..." She trailed off. Jonathan and Collie glanced to each other.

  "Well, we kinda... just got together," Jonathan murmured back. Joyce nodded, unused to the pair being together romantically. 

  "Alexithymia," Collie whispered, just barely audible.

  She stared out the window, her mind racing. It flickered to her mother, and she found herself rolling her eyes. It wouldn't surprise her if her mom hadn't even noticed she was gone. The anger turned to slight sadness as she frowned, only then realizing that besides Jonathan, she'd grown up alone. Her mom was hardly ever there, and she never came to any of her volleyball games, or talked to her about the things she liked. It was always Jonathan.

  Hopper and Nancy got back in the car, startling Collie from her thoughts. Hopper twisted around in his seat, looking to them.

  "Look, we to find the kids before those guys do." He said. "Do you have any idea where they might have gone?"

  "No, I don't know where my brother is!" Nancy shook her head. 

  "I need you to think," Hopper told Nancy sternly.

  "I don't know, we haven't talked a lot, I mean, lately," she shrugged.

  "Is there any place maybe your parents don't know about that he might go?" Joyce questioned, turning in her seat to face the three teens.

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