Chapter 17: Some Answers

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I am really sorry I haven't updated in literally a million years. Believe me, now that schools out I'll be updating a lot more frequently. A lot of crazy things happened since I've last updated and I cannot be more glad my junior year is over :)

So, I want to thank everyone who's still reading now and didn't give up on me. :) I want to give back to you all so if you want me to read anything and give some advice on your writing, inbox me!

I have the whole Chapter 17, but if you feel like you need to review anything I'm going to summarize what basically has went on throughout the story, the characters, and what questions you probably have/ had that still need to be answered and will eventually be answered. You can skip to Chapter 17 if you remember what's going on. (It'll start at the ****************)

<3333- Soni2468

Overall Summary:

We left off at Sophie frantically arriving at Xavier's house after him not having been in school for a week. His mom vaguely references some event he's recuperating from but doesn't elaborate. Xavier refuses to let Sophie into his room until she has a blindfold and tries to make sure she loves him despite his looks. At the end she rips off the blind fold and is shocked at what she has seen.

Character Descriptions:

Sophie's Mom (Lorraine): She's a bit on the annoying side for Sophie and seems to be totally oblivious to her and Xavier's relationship. She knows Sal Garbonzo in some way from high school and seems to know something about Xavier that Sophie doesn't. 

Sophie's Dad (Yet to be named): He is kind of absent from Sophie's life and hates Sal Garbonzo. He doesn't like the idea of Sophie dating Xavier, but then again what dad is happy when his daughter brings home a boyfriend?

Sal Garbonzo (Just Garbonzo to Sophie): He is very obnoxious and typical Brooklyn guy (think Sopranos just not violent at all) he tends to pop up everywhere in Sophie's life including her trip to Florida and is currently single ladies!

Sophie's Brother (Josh): He is a typical older brother in his twenties in college but living at home. He's driven Sophie and Laura to the beach, and is also not too happy about the Sophier/Xavphie/Savier realtionship.

Laura (Sophie's best friend): Basically sunny and happy and optimistic and beautiful. She's been Sophie's one and only friend for years.

Sophie's Grandma (Mar to Xavier): Sophie's grandma probably has the most answers out of every character aside from Xavier and his family as to what is really going on. She treats Xavier as a grandson and has a deeper relationship with him because he's lived in Florida a couple houses away from her for the last three years. She also is number one supporter of their relationship and set them up on a blind date back in Florida haha.

Sophie's Grandpa (Yet to be named): The fact she has a grandpa is basically all you need to know.

Dylan: Sophie ran into Dylan in Food Wealth the day she met Xavier and both felt a spark. Dylan seemed really nice and interesting. Xavier seemed to hate him though and warned Sophie against him. As Xavier annoyed her, he charmed her until that night in the restaurant. Dylan rudely spilled the beans about the tragedy surrounding Xavier's dad, calling Xavier a freak of nature. From there, Sophie's interest in him deteriorated and we later found out he's involved with drugs. He seems eager to become friends again, but Sophie is not really okay with that idea. He also seems to know something about Xavier which he came close to telling her, but it seems Xavier wants to hide these things from Sophie.

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