Chapter 6: Sea Glass, Beach Kings and Heroes

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"Hurry up!" Laura, yelled as I ran around the house packing things we needed. "We're going to miss the sunrise if you take any longer!" She jumped up and down in anticipation.

Laura is my best friend, who's smart, pretty and just plain full of energy all the time, including 4:30 in the morning. She's one of those people who is always happy and smiles no matter what is going on. 

She even got in trouble once when a teacher thought she was smiling too much. Honestly, if you're a teacher and you hate students that much, it's time for a career change, am I right? 

I picked up my towel and stuffed it in the bulging bag I had prepared, and then we jumped out the door. Laura skipped down the steps in front of me, her blonde curls bouncing perfectly as she did so, making me realize the messy state my hair was in, considering I didn't even glance in a mirror, before I left.

Laura and I were going to a sunrise viewing that's held on the beach once a year, and believe it or not, a lot of people go. We have wanted make it to one ever since we were eight, but of course our parents weren't too happy about us going to the beach so early in the morning. Since Josh had agreed to chaperone, and by agreed I mean he was forced because I had caught him smoking weed in the backyard and he promised to do anything that I wanted if I didn't tell mom and dad.

Anyway, we were finally allowed to go and believe me, we were more than excited.

"We'll be lucky if we get there now." Laura said as she settled into the passenger seat of Josh's car.

"Listen," I said, sliding into the back seat and closing the door. "I had to pack food, we're going to be there all day." I'm the only one who thinks about food whenever we go somewhere...which says a lot about me.

Laura crossed her arms. "Yeah, I guess."

"I still can't believe you roped me into this," Josh muttered, rubbing his eyes. "You guys owe me, big time."

"Just start the car, we're going to miss it," Laura said, poking him.

"I'm sure there will be plenty of girls there, Josh," I added, leaning my head down on the windowsill with a plan to sleep the whole way there, I mean it was 4:30 in the morning.

"Yeah, yeah," he said as he pulled away from the house.

I closed my eyes for a nice nap, but when I opened them, I realized we were still in the neighborhood and we weren't moving.

"Why are we here?" I asked groggily, positioned against the door of the car with my arms thrusted to support my fragile face. I squeezed my eyes shut one more time, urging myself to fall back asleep. 

"Well if you weren't dreaming back there, you would have heard me say I had to pick someone up." My eyes cracked openen as Josh turned to face me.

I glanced at Laura who was smiling nervously.

Oh no.

"And who, may I ask, are you picking up?" I could feel myself stiffening up because I was afraid he'd mention that 'special someone.' And by 'special' I mean obnoxious.

Josh opened his mouth to answer me, but the question was answered when the door I was leaning on pulled open and caused me to fall onto Xavier.

"What is wrong with you?" I pushed myself off of him so I could sit back on my seat. I could hear Josh and Laura stifling laughs.

"I'm not the one falling out of cars, am I?" Xavier said, putting his bag of stuff on my lap. "Now move over." He held the door open with his casted hand. It turns out that he had fractured his hand when I slammed the door on it, so he needed to go to the emergency room where they gave him a hand cast. Oh yeah, did I mention I feel horrible about that? 

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