Chapter 10: Speechless Again

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I'm going to start off by apologizing for taking soooo long to update, but literally school has been driving me crazy, I'm really going to try to update sooner though, I promise :) OH and thank you all so much for sticking with this! <3 COMMENT VOTE FAN

Should I write an Xavier POV? 

 I slammed my fists into his chest. "How could you not tell me?" I cried, and he pulled me close to him again

"I... didn't know how." He said as we stood, hugging each other in the middle of the pavement. My tears were soaking his shirt as we embraced in the setting sun. "I was afraid you'd leave me too."


That moment was the first time I'd ever let someone outside of my family see me cry, and the weird thing was, I wasn't crying for me, I was crying for him. How could that happen to him? How could his father kill himself?

"Alright, Santa Claus, I think you've had enough for one day." Xavier said, as he brushed my hair out of my face and rubbed his thumb along my cheek to wipe up my tears.

I sniffed before looking up at him. He was forcing a smile, the littlest bit of playfulness shining in his green eyes. Under my stare, he began to clench his jaw, but he didn't turn away from me, he allowed his eyes to match mine for as long as I kept mine on him.

It was then, as I became lost in his beautiful orbs, that I finally realized why I couldn't immediately recognize him when I first saw him at Food Wealth. It wasn't his looks that were so different, but it was that hint of sadness that could be seen outlining every smile, every look, every action. 

He was so sad.

His breathing became unsteady. "I could stare at you all day, Kris Kringle." Xavier said, leaning to put himself face to face with me, a smirk beginning to curve his lips.

"Why are you calling me that?" I said through sniffles. I felt like my head was going to explode from all the tears.

"You get rosy cheeks when you cry," He bit his red lip and shoved his hand to my stomach to try to tickle me.

I flinched and involuntarily took a step back. I wasn't ready to laugh, or to fool around. It was so puzzling to me that he could just throw away his emotions like that, so quickly as if nothing ever happened. He seemed to have so much trouble letting it all out, and it was turning him into a raving lunatic. "Why are you doing that?"

He gave me a crooked grin. "Doing what?" His eyes looked like they were ready to meet mine and push his newfound playfulness down into my shaken core. I stared right back into them trying to assert the deepness of the situation, but he so easily grasped me, slowly bringing himself closer in the most unnoticeable way possible.

With the wind blowing through my hair, and the sun painting the sky, I started to realize that the moment was becoming a movie scene. It was a textbook definition of what was supposed to happen right before a kiss. 

I'd imagined my first kiss so many times and I'd worried so much about knowing what to do, but I hadn't understood that when the moment was absolutely meant to happen I'd know exactly what to do.

I could feel myself stepping forward into his gentle touch. His hand gently supported my head as I tilted it. I closed my eyes and wrapped my hands around his neck and...

He laughed.

He laughed as he pulled me into him and planted a kiss on my cheek. He lifted me off the ground and spun me and placed me gently back down. "I wonder if you know what you're getting into." He mumbled before grabbing my hand and tugging me toward the parking lot.

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