i feel asleep since i was in a bed. I had a dream. i woked up. i saw 1d members there staring at me like creepy guy. Amg guys what is it I said with a jolt. They said Supprise. ok i said. I jumped down from the bed and ran to the kichen bagain. They had a cookie cake for m. It was a cookie cake just for me. I ate it. I <3 you guys except harry i said w/ a smile. They smile back and they left. I sat there and licked the crumbs. THEN I got theresa and we played outside. It was bright, bright sunshiney day like in that song. I sang it.
I can see cleary now the rain is gone
I can tell all them obstacles in my way
All my sorrows theyre gone
Gonna be a bright, (bright), bright, sunshine day~~.
All sudden it started raineing. I cried and sat in the floor grass. It was liek carpet. Except its not, it's grass. There was a muddy mud puddle from earlier. It's like a muddle puddle i said. I stepped in it. Theresa screeched like a parot that i kick. I dont like parrets. They screech like a angry tire and I like to kick them out of my car like Rhondella. i like beavers though. Their my favorite animal.f
Sudenly it was sudden. I fell down in the dirch and I fell. I saw abyss. Not again i said like sid the science Kid.....
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~~~~~~~~~^o^~~~~~ ~~~~~^o6~~~~~~~~<~~~~~~~~~ (( /) brohoof ;) ))
This tiem when i wake up I wasnt in the hospitel. I was in my new bed cool. It's cool. I saw hary again. He stares at me like a lizard with its eye lids removed so It cant blink. I smacked him and i saw the flab on his face. Whyd ya do it Hary i screamed. Idk he replied. He looked at his cheek. he got a shiner there. Yeah I'm not even sorry i said. Oh he said.
Evan you just kind a passed out, yu know? he said concerned. I said Whats Wrong with me. He said you got frozen syndrome and a annurisem again.... I said Oh. I reelized i couldnt move my legs or my arms or my limbs. So this is what frozen syndom is like I said. I like frozen the movie but I don't like frozen syndrom. I said. Oh said Hrry. Wherer th=e other guys from 1D i said. They ran, tehy escaped. said Harry Oh i replyed. Wheres Theresa?" i said. He ran off said hary clalmly. Did he escape to? Yeah he said. The othur guys runned after him to try n catch him. Hes like a pet to us. Ok i said.
I sat in my bed with the syndreme and finaly they came back. Im doin good i told them. But they had bad news. We lost him said one of them. Oh i said. Too bad. Ill have to get another dog I said. Yeah, we couldnt find him They said in unisun. ok i said. I still had frozzen syndreme and rabies, yknow? So i sat there until my syndrome gone away. I sat up. the 1d people were gone. so i stayed there. Hey i got up i screamed. No one answered. so i got up and ran to a pet market place. i had to buy a new dog!.
i went there. I wnet in side. I crawled cross the floor cuz i cant fight this feeling any more. lol. I went there. i saw a lady. she seems nice I remarked. she had some dogs. Hey ya want that dog she said like a pirate man. Nope i said sluggishly. Ok she said. i grabbed a random dog. It was like a chiwahua and it had squinting eyes like a squinting guy. It had hairless exept on it's hair. Awaw34a i said. Yeah thats one's a girl said the guy. WHAHAAAT??????? IT don't got eyelashes though I said with shock. Um yeah said the guy. i payed for it and left. That guy dont know didley squat i said angry. I know yor a boy cause you dont got eye lashes. >:(. The dog stared at me as i ran home to 1D house. I smack the door down with my radical karate kung foo skillz.
Honey im home i said. No one replied. they were having a chip party in the chip kitchen. of chips. I grabbed one and ate it. but i put it back in the bag since It didn't have cheese. I relized they were the ones i licked the cheese off earlier. Mmm mmmm mmm girl I said. Ew said one of teh 1d people. Why doesn't this have cheese on it??. I shrugged like an innocent by stander. I ate a diffrent chip.
((((Soory guys it took me a long tiem to write this chapter. Hope you understand<3))0

Evan Green's Secret Journal (Book 1)
Ficção AdolescenteEvan Green is a normal kid but he has a secret. The secret is that he loves 1D with all his small heart and he gets bullied for it when the public finds out. But soon he goes on a big adventure and meets the 1D band members and finds out what life i...