Chapter Twenty: An Escape Plan

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I was backed up against the wall as Laughing Jack came closer and closer to me. I looked around for anything I could use as a weapon, but the room was empty, save for a bed on the other wall. We were practically nose-to-nose, I turned my head so I wouldn't have to look at him. I felt his breath on my ear and waited, but nothing came. Eventually he whispered, "Don't be afraid." I turned my head to face him. "What?" I whispered back. He chuckled. "Don't worry Tess. Jeff gathered a team to help look for you. He put me in charge of gaining Jane's trust since I'm the creature of your nightmares apparently." I gave a sigh of relief. He took a few steps back. "Now," he whispered, "I need you to scream. Jane has equipped this room with microphones as to make sure I 'get the job done', so make it seem like I'm really hurting you, okay?"  "I may need some help with that..." I whisper replied. He smirked and said, "Alright, you asked for this." He tickled my sides making me scream for him to stop or just scream in general. This went on for a few minutes before he stopped and slid something in my pocket. "Okay," he whispered again, "Now make it seem like I just 'hurt' you. Smudge your makeup on various parts of your body and down your face to look like you were crying and you have bruises. I stole some of Jane's if you need more. Also, take off your shirt and don't put it back on until she comes in." I did as he said and waited for the door to open. When it did, I started pulling my shirt over my head and put a guilty and sad look on my face. Jane stepped inside. Her mask and wig were back on and she seemed happy. "Great work LJ!" she said giddily, "You can leave now. And Tess..."  she looked at me with a cold stare. "I brought a chair and some rope...just in case you had any ideas of escaping." She grabbed me, sat me down in the chair, and began tying me to it. "I think I'll stay." Laughing Jack said, "Just to make sure." Jane nodded. "Great idea LJ. I'm gonna go for a little walk in the woods. I'll text you when I get back." Jack nodded and turned his gaze to me. He winked at me and then watched Jane leave. He waited a minute or two before untying me. "Okay," he said. "We need to get you out of now. I'll text Jeff to bring the van around once we leave. Oh, and hold on to that thing in your pocket, you're gonna need it." I nodded and started to reach for my pocket, but Laughing Jack swatted my hand away. "No touchy!" he said. I shrugged, got up, and followed him out of the room.

We managed to make it out side before Jane came back. I gave a sigh of relief thinking we were actually gonna make it out of here alive. We were almost near where Jeff was going to pick us up when we ran into Jane. The three of us stopped in our tracks. I saw the anger wash over Jane's face. I looked at Laughing Jack who was looking at me. He had a look of fear in his eyes, and I could tell that I probably did too. She stormed up to us. Laughing Jack tried to shield me, but she pushed him down and looked at him. "Damnit L.J., I knew I couldn't trust you to get this done. I should've just asked Liu to do it!" She turned back to me and smirked. "Aww, poor little Tess. Looks like daddy's not here to protect you anymore...and neither is Jeff...what a surprise!" She grabbed me by the front of my shirt and slammed me against a tree. She started hitting she did in my vision. I heard Laughing Jack start to get up. He ran over to her and pulled her arm back from what looked to be a punch in the stomach. "Stop!" he yelled, "She's pregnant, you can't hit her there!" Jane dropped her fist and let go of my shirt. She turned around to face him. "You tell me...that not only is Jeff dating this bitch...but he got her pregnant too!?" She didn't sound happy, but I guess I wouldn't either. She turned back to me with more fury in her eyes than I had ever seen before. She picked up a rock from the ground and smacked against my head repeatedly. I felt blood trickle down the side of my face. I fell to the ground and Jane threw the bloody rock down next to me. The last thing I saw was her arm reaching for me before my vision faded and all I saw was black.


OMG HI!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry this is so late but I'm on punishment and I knew that if I didn't get this chapter out soon you guys would flip, so here you go!!! Check out that twist, huh? Turns out LJ is a good guy!!! YAY!!! However Jane now has Tess, who is unconscious, bloody, and pregnant. So anyways, thank you all for believing in me and pushing me forward to finish this book. So I'm thinking that there will be a sequel to this book...but I'm not telling!! HAHAHA!!! But you will find out when I finish the book if there will be a sequel so don't worry. BTW if you have questions about the book, don't be shy, ask me in the comments or inbox me! I love you all my little monsters!!!! Stay strange!!!!

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