Welcome to my world

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The subtle brush if the wind swept through the gentle leafs on the trees above. Street lights illuminated the empty sidewalk, occasionally flickering on and off. Four round bulbs surrounded one large center stand, highlighting the every crook and crannies of the nearby buildings. In the dark distance, a large yellow sign read, "Drugs Soda". Cars drove through the large streets, hitting the trash that laid littered over the floor like a tractor over grass. The headlights flashed over a tall figure that strode through the sidewalk, outlining his figure. If you stared while the light hit him, you could see every detail of the North American's skin. A faded scar sat over his top lip - it wasn't as straight as a ruler, it was curvy and scraggly like a child took a pen to his face and tried to draw a straight line. He was clothed in a grey shirt with the words "Hell Raiser" printed over it in white print. A black leather jacket covered his broad shoulders and muscular arms. His hands were dug into the pockets of his torn jeans as he strided over the ruined cement. White earned were strung down his chest and ran up his neck to his ears. Blood stained his formally clean converse.

Further forward sat a hunched figure in the centre of the street, that had caught the teens attention

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Further forward sat a hunched figure in the centre of the street, that had caught the teens attention. He watched as a small silver car drove blindly towards the figure. The teens senses had gotten the best of him. He sprinted forward down the sidewalk, almost as of he were about to run into the car. The driver sat in her car, texting and refusing to stare forward. The teen paused, turning sharply to face the street, rushing towards the teen in the street. The teen was able to push the figure out of the way, though having to be in the Cars line of fire. The teen attempted to jump out of the way towards the figures position. Before he could lift himself off of the ground, he was lifted onto the hood of the car, crashing into the cars front window.
The female had realized what she was about to do a moment to late. The brakes Screamed. The front window dented in, glass piercing the boys back. The figure stood, rushing to pull the boy off the the car. The girl in the car trembled as she held her phone to her chest, staring at the blood horrifically.

The figure pulled the teen off of the car from under his shoulders, carrying him bridal style to the sidewalk

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The figure pulled the teen off of the car from under his shoulders, carrying him bridal style to the sidewalk. He lowered himself to his knees before holding the unconscious teen on his lap. He tapped his jacket, pulling out his phone and pressing the emergency number. The dial tone rang from what seemed like ages. "Hello? What is your emergency?" Questioned a voice as the figure struggled yo find the words to speak. "On the corner of Wilson and Beryl, someone was just hit, and he needs help! Please!" Cried the voice. It belonged to another male.
Not to long after, an ambulance came racing through the streets, its siren blaring. The cops followed behind it, stopping at the scene. The teen was taken into the truck as the figure stood. "May I go? He saved my life, I need to know he'll make it." He said in a monotone voice then paramedics hesitantly agreed, escorting the
Figure and the injured teen into the truck. It whizzed through the streets, stopping at the hospital. The paramedics removed the boy on the small bed, pushing him rapidly through the corridors, the figure trailing behind them.

✿ฺ✿ฺSorry for the short introduction! I haven't exactly planned anything, so this is what I'll leave it at for now. I hope you enjoy further chapters
(゜▽゜;) ✿ฺ✿ฺ

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2017 ⏰

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