Episode 12

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Your heart was beating like crazy. You couldn't calm your breath. The Leader walked closer to Levi.
-I also heard you got injured in your recent expedition. Which leg was it?-he pulled out a knife and stabbed him on the leg.
-This one?-he laughed.-Humanity strongest solider. Are you?
Levi looked at him not saying a word. Sweat covered his face from pain.
-And what are we going to do with you. I mean. -he walked to you now.-It would be a shame to just kill you. Especially that I have some good plans for her before that.
He put his hand on your face and touched your lower lip with his thumb. Levi looked at you and his expression changed for a second. He noticed it.
-Hmm. Is it possible... That you have feelings for her?-He grabbed your neck looking at Levi.-You have.... How wonderful is that?-He laughed.- Then. Why don't you sit there and look at us having fun?- he showed the chair with his head. The men sat Levi on the chair and bounded him with ropes.
-Make sure he won't be able to move.- he pulled the table right in for the of him.-Get her there.
-Huh?-the man started carrying you in front of the table.-No.-you started trying to escape from their hip but one of them punched you in the face.
-Hey! Not in the face. It's too pretty for that.- Leader commended.
-Yes Sir.-one of the man responded and punched you hard on the stomach.
Air escaped your lungs and you felt burning pain going through your body. You made a large breath and started coughing. They put the higher part of your body on the table so your face was right in front of his. You looked at him. He had fear in his eyes.
-One of you. Hold his head so he cannot look away.
-Sir.-one of them walked to Levi and grabbed his head around his neck so he cold not move it. You couldn't catch a breath out of fear.
-No. Please. Wait.-you said between breaths.
-Stay still now birdie.-he grabbed your hands to stop you from moving and pulled your trousers down to your tights.
-No! Please!-your eyes have filled with tears.
He have put it inside you. You screamed and closed your fists. He started moving. Tears started falling down your cheeks. You tried to hide your silent screams that were escaping fro you every time he moved quicker. He pulled your head up a little grabbing your hair.
-Look. Isn't that nice?-Your tears were falling on the table. You looked at Levi. He was looking at you. His eyes filled with tears. Full of anger and pain. You closed your eyes.-Why?Why is this happening? What is he thinking of me now...-The leader pushed you back into the table.
-Here boys. Have some too.-he said stepping back. One of his men stepped forward and did what he said. Then another one. And another one. You couldn't feel anything anymore. Single tears were still falling from your eyes.
-Okey. I think that's enough. We don't have any more time.-said the Leader, pulled your throwers back and pushed you hard against the floor. You fell and couldn't stand up. Your whole body was shaking.
-So how did you enjoy the show Captain? Huh? I see you liked it. I know you did.-he laughed.-Now.-he moved the table aside.-I was going to just stab her in the heart but now I'm thinking.-he pulled you up by your hair. You screamed a little from the pain.-Why not let you watch her die a little longer?-he pulled out a knife and sliced a lower part on the side of your neck.
-No!-Levi screamed.
He let you go and stood up. You fell on the ground.
-Have a good time Captain. It was a pleasure meeting you.-he said and all of them left the building leaving just the two of you. Now you couldn't move at all. You had no energy. You felt something warm covering your cheek.
-(N)!-he screamed through tears.
You looked at him. You wanted to say something but strangely no words were coming from your mouth. You stopped shaking. You suddenly felt calm.
-(N)! Please! Stay with me!-he tried to get out of the ropes but he only fell on the ground with the chair.-Ugh.-he somehow managed to break one of the chair arms and started to get free.
Your eyes started to close slowly.-Levi...- he got out of the ropes and tried to stand up but his leg didn't let him.
-(N)!(N) please hang on.
Your eyes closed. You heard someone screaming and some voices for a while but then there was only darkness.


-(N)!-you were laying in your own blood. The stain was getting bigger and bigger. He got closer to you.
-No.No...-he pulled you up and hugged you tightly. He put his hand on your neck trying to slow down the bleeding. His heart was beating so fast he didn't even fell the pain from his leg anymore. He looked at your face. It was so pale. His tears fell on your cheek. Suddenly he heard someone downstairs.
-Go look upstairs!-someone ordered.
-Over here!-he shouted.
A group of soldiers came through the door and tuned over to him. After them walked Commander Erwin.
-Oh God.-he looked at you.-Get her to the hospital! Quick!
-Sir!-two soldiers carried you out of the building and rode you to the nearest hospital.
Erwin walked over to Levi still siting on the floor.
-Can you stand?-he asked and looked at his leg covered in blood.-We need to get you to hospital as well. Come on.-he helped him stand up and walked with him outside to the horses.-What happened there?-he saw his face and didn't say a word after that anymore.

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