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There's nothing more amazing than a life in the western. Merilize is an amazing blonde haired women.

She's the one for riding her horse everyday for exercise to that's what they're doing now. They're running in the camp all along the wooden fence.

We could say she lives alone but then that'd be wrong. She does live alone but luckily for her, her children come to do the regular check up on her even though she feels it's unnecessary.

Her youngest daughter, Amelia with also that beautiful blonde hair walked out of the house up to the fence to look at her mother.

"So, is he coming?" Jessica asked joining Amelia by just staring at the view.

"Yes." Amelia replied and look at her sister. "He sounded different over the phone though."

"Difference is good." Jessica smiled as the girls look at Merilize that stopped infront of them.

"How'dy." She laughed greeting them. "Great day, ain't it?"

"Yes. It is." Amelia replied giving a little smile. "Are you gonna do the run?"

"Not this time." Merilize replied and take her hat off to use it as a fan to cool her off. "They asked if I want her to run when I said I don't want to do it. I told them no because she won last year and the year before that so all these wins in a row will make the people find something suspicious and you know how that part goes."

"Who doesn't?" Jessica responded and bite her bottomlip. "Anyway, Sebastian called and asked for you to call him back."

"Oh okay. I'll be with it in a minute." Merilize replied and put her hat back on climbing off the horse's back.

"Okay, I'm gonna get going for now. There's alot I need to get behind my back. So I'll see you soon again. Love you." Jessica said and ran back to her car.

"Love you too!" Merilize replied and watch her drive away.

"Mom, are you okay?" Amelia asked drawing Merilize's attention.

"Yes I'm fine." Merilize replied and gave a chuckle starting to lead the horse out to be placed in his stable.

"So, are you seeing forward to tomorrow?" Amelia asked taking a seat on a can as Merilize took the saddle off the horse's back.

"Yes I do." Merilize replied and give her the sweetest smile. "You guys are getting way too old. Tomorrow when you're brother turns 28 I want this to be the biggest surprise for him. Since your father's not gonna be here I still want him to feel that he's being appropriated."

"Mom..." Amelia tried to tell her something.

"I hate to say this but it would actually surprise me if he turns up here tomorrow. But he wouldn't." Merilize spoke as Amelia gave a sighed and chose to keep it in. Merilize place the saddle where it belongs and stare at it for a while. "He wouldn't."

She look at Amelia and gave a smile about to get going again.

"So, let's go make that phone call." Merilize smiled and walked out as Amelia stood up and gave her a wondering look being worried about her mother.

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