CH.2( Greyson Jones)

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I quickly hopped out of bed and shut off my alarm. It was monday. Time to start a new school and actually try to fit in. Which I had no problem doing.

I decided to wear something casual. I ran my fingers through my hair, remembering Greyson, the boy in line, did the same thing.

I grabbed my bag off my floor, and headed downstairs.

" Honey, you have to walk to school today, I've gotta go to another one of my bank training's. I'll see you later tonight." She hugged me and clicked her heels out the door.

Shortly after making sure I looked nice, I headed out the door.

I looked up at the sign that read:

"Prydence Beach High School"

Graffiti was written around the sign with sayings such as,

"Prydence sucks!"And "Slaughter House."

" That's comforting." I thought.

I began to stroll inside of the school, quickly eyeing Anna, who was talking to a tall boy with black curly hair. He looked dirty, like a burnout.

I walked over to her, might as well introduce myself to someone.

" Hi, Anna."

She turned her head and smiled.

" Liah! Your here! This is my friend, Konnik, Konnik Medvetz."

" H-hi, nice very-very nice to meet you."

He had an accent, it sounded Russian.

" Nice to meet you too." I looked at Anna and smiled. I was awkward when meeting new people.

" Well, Liah, You have to go to the office to get your schedule."

" Can you go with me? I don't know where the office is."

She smiled and nodded. " Sure! Konnik come with us."

" Okay." Konnik ran his fingers through his hair, and began to walk with us.


" Hi how may I help you?" A old woman asked at the counter.

" Uh I'm new, my name is Liah Morris, I need my schedule."

She dug under her desk and pulled out a blue paper with my name on it.

" Liah A. Morris right here! And if you need any help, feel free to talk to anyone wearing the blue T-shirts that say handy helpers!'

" Oh, um, okay... Thanks.."

I walked out of the office and began walking with Anna and Konnik.

" Hey, me and Konnik are going to go to class, we promised to help out Mr. Talbit with a few things. See ya!" They began to walk off, leaving me to wait 10 minutes for school to actually begin.

I began walking to the back part of the school, noticing a few groups hung out back there. One group I saw was sitting down acting crazy. Another group was standing talking gossip.

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