CH.7 Turner

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The early rising sun seeped through my window, waking me up from my light sleep.

I realized it was 6:00 am, and I had to get up and get ready for school.

I hopped into the shower, the water was cold. I didn't care though, I had to get ready as fast as possible. Anna called me late last night after Greyson left, telling me she wanted to introduce me to a few people I might be interested in being friends with. Great.

I stepped out of the shower and dried off, putting on a black tank-top with distressed jeans.

" Liah, are you hungry? I could fix you up a omelet, or a waffle?" My mom said, fixing her white collar on her polo.

" No thanks, I'll just get a muffin." I said. She nodded to me, and put on her slip on shoes.

I grabbed a muffin and ate it, throwing the wrapper in the garbage.

I got up and grabbed my book-bag. I could use a new one. My bag was brown, and looked a bit old. Maybe after school I'll get Anna to go to the mall with me.

I walked out the door, headed for school.

Anna, Konnik, and 4 other people that I didn't know stood by the entrance to the school.

" Great, you're here!" Anna exclaimed.

" Eh, I need to go and get my exam." Konnik said, leaving the group.

" Guys, I want you to meet Liah; Liah, this is Chancey, Erika, Scott, and Turner."

" Hi." I spoke. Anna forgot to mention to me that they were mostly men. Chancey had skater hair, which was a light brown, I could barely see his eyes, from the choppy bangs he dad, but they looked brown. Erika had short blonde hair, and brown eyes, she looked like she was a cheerleader. Scott had a weird green hair color, but I'm not judging. He had brown eyes, and his hair was long and choppy. Turner, he had black choppy hair, and emerald green eyes. A piece of hair covered his right eye.

" Is she shy?" Chancey chuckled.

" No, I'm just tired." I said.

" She must have got alot of action last night then, right Scott?" Chancey chucked. Scott just smiled.

Great, there pigs. And perverted ones at that.

" Chancey, why on earth would you use a joke like that? That's nasty. Just nasty." Erika spoke.

" I'm Erika, Erika Clifton. Anna told me you wanted to do cheer leading? "

" Yeah, I was a cheerleader back in Brighton." I smiled.

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