Colton One-shots

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Cole and Dalton are out partying together

They had a little argument over who was gonna pay for drinks

"Okay, who ever can make the other blush harder doesn't have to pay" suggested Dalton

"You first" said Cole looking cocky
Dalton then began whisper singing the most suggestive section of Dark Horse by Katy Perry into Cole's ear sensual, sometimes letting his tongue extend out of his mouth, while slowly and softly rubbing Cole's thigh reaching his hand higher by every line of the song

"So you want to play with magic, well better know whatcha falling for" a gulp from Cole

"If you care to do this, Ill be coming in like a dark horse" a sigh from Cole

"Are you ready for, ready for? The perfect storm, perfect storm cause once you're mine, once you're mine"
"There's no go back" letting his tongue slide out.

Cole was biting his lip hard and shivering with Dalton's every word, he knew he would lose

He rushed off to the bathroom to calm himself, sadly Dalton had followed him, making sure he couldn't identify him as he entered the bathroom

Cole was breathing deeply and sighing with a lust filled voice, he came out and just bluntly said he'd pay

After a while of partying Cole was getting tipsy with some vodka, while Dalton tried to just drink soda/water
Dalton wasn't that amused but he still can't say that he doesn't like Cole when he's like this

Cole is a bit too friendly and touchy when he's drunk but Dalton enjoyed just a little, he tried to not get caught up and take advantage of Cole when he was like this

"Stay right here I'm going to the bathroom" Dalton says leaving Cole at the table with their food and drinks

"K" Cole chuckles out with a slight hiccup, watching him walk off into the crowd of partyers then quickly pouring some vodka into Dalton's drink

Dalton came back took a sip and instantly felt different, he grabbed a laughing Cole by the arm and gestured for them to dance
Cole began trying to get kisses in on Dalton

Dalton was still aware to some degree of why he shouldn't fall victim to Cole's extreme cuteness, he tried to dodge his kisses

After quite a bit of dancing Dalton had chugged his drink making him slightly drunk which was way more than enough drunk to get Dalton to do something stupid

Cole continued on with trying to kiss Dalton, without fail Cole had Dalton in the palm of his hand

Cole paid for their food and got them a ride home

On the way from the party back to their house Cole took Dalton into more demanding kisses, making each if them breathless, at one point Dalton tried removing Cole's shirt in the back of the taxi they took home but was shut down

Cole stopped him in his tracks and pointed at the taxi driver, mouthed the word 'soon' then gestured for them to keep kissing

Cole paid the driver with Dalton's money to make it fair and then took Dalton by his shirt through their front door

Dalton pushing Cole backwards onto the couch as Cole walked them backwards into the house

Dalton climbed over Cole's body breaking their longing make out to say something

"Dark Horse" he said in a drunken sensual haze diving into Cole's neck, kissing and biting him, sucking on his neck like it was candy

Cole let out a fierce moan and then giggled into Dalton's ear pulling him closer

"I put vodka in your drink, babe" trailing kisses from Dalton's jawline to his neck

"I figured you would" Dalton wrapped Cole legs around him and grabbed his back lifting him from the couch as Cole slid his hands under Dalton's shirt

A/N: Yeah, so this is quite poorly written and I apologize for the lack of punctuations but it was just a quick thought I wrote down in my crappy phone so, enough. Don't judge me because I'm stupid! I may or may not make this just a collection of One- Shots. It's really depend on you, the reader and me, getting ideas.

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