Birthday Party.

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I saw Areal rushing to set everything up for me. She had a cake ordered and invited everyone via text. Xavier made some lame excuse that he had friends to attend to but I knew he was going at at Areal's request. His cheeks turned crimson as he lied through his teeth.

''You don't have to stress about it.'' I looked at her sweat clinging the hair to her forehead.

''Of course I do, 18 is a big number!'' She jumped over and hugged me, her arms squeezing with what energy she had left.

I thanked her and made my way outside for some air, I needed some air. The foggy thoughts of last night came buzzing back through a headache. I could still feel Xavier's hand in mine, I didn't know I could feel this. I don't know what to do, can I tell Areal? If I do she'll be mad, but atleast it won't be a secret. Who am I kidding, she'll never forgive me.

The thick seat hit my bottom with a comforting relief, Xavier's Rover pulled in the drive way. He jumped out and grabbed a bunch of colored bags from the back seat. His eyes met mine and he dropped the bags behind him,

''Go into the house.'' He said, something deep in his voice had changed. A new roughness had pushed through.

''I can't, Areal still has the house under strict party lock down.'' I shrugged as he walked over, the heat built as he stood inbetween my knees.

''Atleast turn around, so you can't see the presents.'' His assertive voice was topped with a cheeky smile. I felt my legs tighten, my knees clanked against his legs, sending him down over me. His hands caught themselves on the wall of the house, he was bent awkwardly over the bench. His face was inches from mine, the heat of his breath was.... turning me on.

I have to call Ryan, maybe he'd be able to meet. I needed him to remind me that it was him I wanted. Not Xavier, not the man who was sending chills to my lower area.

He pushed back after an awkward sigh, he took my waist into his hands and yanked me into his chest.

''I said, turn around.'' He demanded, something in his voice made my knees weak. I could feel the taut feeling of his muscles under my fingers as I held his arm for support. He did change, he used to be thin and scrawney.

I felt his hands spin me around, his chest leaned against my back, oh god.... I held the bar of the porch swing as he gripped my sides. What was I doing? He was practically my brother.

He must have realised this as he pushed away, his hands quickly retreated from my hips. The feeling of him was imprinted into my mind, and as I tried to push it out... It pushed back harder.

''Thank you.'' He murmered from the door way as he set the gifts inside, then he made his way over to the swing.

''Care to join?'' He asked, he patted the seat next to him and I obediently sat down. I wanted him to be like this, telling me what to do, it was hot.

I mean... I want Ryan to do this.. Yeah, Ryan.

''We can't...'' I looked over at him, he was nodding with his lips pushed into a thin line.

''I know, I just..'' He looked over at me and grabbed my cheek, ''You've been on my mind since you walked through the door yesterday. I can't.. I won't do this to Areal.'' He pulled me closer, I reached out to push his arm away,

''I'm her best friend. Enough.'' I sounded strong, confident. I didn't want to ruin it, so I stood up and walked to Areal's car. Her keys were in the ignition and it was unlocked.

The tears burned my eyes as I shut the car door. What was he doing? I shouldn't be crying. I should be angry. Pissed, I should be appolled. He was practically swoon over his sisters bestfriend, Who does that? Weirdo's, pedo's.

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