Seeking advice

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Areal had me helping her clean up my own party. There were cups and bodies everywhere,

''Get up. Move.'' I kicked the people out of the way as I tried to grab dirty plates,

''Bianca, you're 18.'' Justin mumbled and grabbed my foot I almost tripped but caught myself.

''Yes, now leave.'' I moved around them and filled the rest of my bag.

Once everyone was gone me and Areal calapsed onto the couch, she turned the tv on. It was blastingly loud and we jumped to find the suround sound remote. I found it and quickly hit off, the tv went back to a normal volume, but it was too late.

Xavier was at the top of the stairs in his boxers and tee shirt, he was wide eyed and angry,

''Why?'' He just shook his head and slumped down the stairs, he looked briefly at me before going into the kitchen. I tried to be mad at him, for regecting me, but he was so hot right now. I slipped my hand around Areal and we pulled the blanket over us, she was my bestfriend and I couldn't give that up for a guy.

We watched tv for three hours until the weirdest movie came on and we decided to go for a walk.

''Your car is still at Ryan's we can go get it.'' I remembered and she looked at me,

''Why did you leave it there?'' She asked, but she wasn't angry,

''More space for parking here.'' I slipped into tights and a crop top. We looked up at each other and seems we had the same outfit idea. We laughed and just walked out of her room.

''Where are you going?'' It was Xavier, he was holding a towel and one hand on the bathroom door,

''For a walk...?'' Areal said, she looked at him funny before going down the stairs.

I looked at him, he didn't want me. He made that obvious last night, but really. Why was he looking at me like that?

I shook my head and ran down the stairs, Areal was waiting with her headphones in, her hair bobbing ontop of her head to the beat of the song. I pushed my earbuds in and we went outside, it was chilly.

The crisp air wrapped around my bare waist and made me hesitate, but Areal was already in full jog towards Ryan's house. I caught up to her just as we made it to his house, her car was covered in a foggy frost.

She jumped in and started the vehicle, her hands immediatly turning up the heat. I turned the vents towards my face and tried to warm up, there wasn't any music playing in my headphones, but the fact that they were in blocked out the horid singing that was Areal.

She pulled out and drove past her house, I tugged her ear bud out and looked at her,

''Where are we going?'' I asked, she smiled,

''Out to breakfast, I though Xavier was going to make everyone breakfast but I guess not.'' She shrugged and put on the radio, she folded her headphones around her phone and tossed it into the cup holder,

''Do you have any money on you?'' I asked, she pointed at the glove department, of course she kept money in her car.

She pulled into a pancake house and we ran to the door to avoid staying out in the cold, the large amount of old people inside looked up at us. I smiled awkwardly and waved, a couple waved back and the rest returned to eating.

''Table for two?'' The hostess asked, I jogged myself out of thought and looked at Areal,

''Yes.'' She answered and she showed us to a booth,

''Is a booth ok?'' We just sat down to answer her question, She took our drink odered and walked away.

''So, meet anyone last night, I heard you and Ryan ended it.'' She pushed it cassually into the conversation,

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