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If there was anything I regretted from all this, it was the fact that I'd forego plans I initially had for myself.
I had every intention of settling down with a husband ultimately, just not now.
I wanted to live. A little.
Stay on my own in a flat.
Drive myself around in a car. Right now, I had 2 assigned drivers.
Chill out some more with my girls, whether it was getting coffee, seeing late night movies or outright Friday night crazies.
It may have seemed petty but it was exactly that petty I wanted.

Female children moving out of their family houses wasn't a norm here in Nigeria but I was willing to break out.
Now, I'd be moving out, only to my husband's house. Funny.

So far I had 3 cars, but I couldn't even enjoy my own cars. I had only driven them a few times. I doubt I would be able to do that when married to Ali Bashir, President's son.

And the clubbing? Could we just forget that?
Except I wanted to create a national scandal...

All this was the reason I was shocked when Hauwa said
"Why don't you do it? Why don't you move out?"

"Excuse me?"

We were in my room where I was recounting my problems to her. I was wondering if she was serious with her last comment.

"Why not? You can walk straight up to your father and tell him you want to move out. Whats the worst that could happen? You'd be rejected. "

"I personally believe he'd give in. It wasn't like you chose this. He decided this for you, you deserve to gain a little something from it. He'd even agree to foot the bills if you demand it."

I was actually considering this.

"I think you are a bad friend, Hauwa" I teased.

"Pleeaaase, he'd do anything for you."

"Alright then, let's go"

I stood by the slightly open door of my father's study and knocked rapidly.
My father actually smiled when he saw me. It punched my gut.

"Jamillah Marie Abubakar, you've refused to speak to me ever since. Come in, sit down. We're due for a long talk."

"I came here to inform you of something."

"Of course, sit down."

"No, Baba, let me just stand and do this."
I looked pointedly at Hauwa. The crazy girl was sitted and pouring a juice drink into a glass.

"Oh, okay" she rushed and stood by me, sipping her juice still.

"I want to move out."
My father, Baba blinked.
"Sit down, please"

"No, please."

"My child, the wedding would be coming up soon"

"The wedding would not be for at least a few months. I want to stay on my own until then."

"You do realize I want only the best for you."

"The best is not an arranged marriage."
Hauwa pinched me. My father looked exhausted.

"I had an arranged marriage. Before my wife, your mother passed on , we were the happiest people alive." He stood up.

"Your Aunty Munera's marriage was arranged. You don't see her complaining. In my time, almost all marriages were arranged, our culture is known for it. I do not see this as any great evil. To the best of my knowledge Jamilah, I'm making the right choice for you.
" I have asked about this Ali. People believe him to be kind. And I will keep checking. I cannot send my only child to suffer."
Baba seemed to realize just now that he was standing.
He sat again.
"I would like you to reconsider this action."

"I have already decided."

"Have you gotten a place yet?" He looked resigned.

"I'll be checking tomorrow."

"Take my manager Audu with you. When you pick a place, he will inform me so I can make payments."

"I'll also be checking for an office space."

"When you decide, he will let me know."
I nodded, and said thank you.

"I don't want to lose you." I heard him murmur.

I gently walked out , Hauwa before me and closed the door firmly.
He wasn't going to lose me, but right now , I wasn't ready to do the happy father daughter dance.

House hunting day

I had already called the realtors yesterday. I explained that I wanted something small, not extravagant.
Nothing ostentatious or that screamed money, and I wanted neighbors.
So a midclass apartment,fully furnished with parking privileges. I planned on bringing one car only. And a very safe environment.

I, Hauwa and Audu finally saw a yard we all liked. I liked the whole house. It was small compared to all the grand houses I had lived in but I guess that made it feel like home already.

Apparently, Baba had given Audu the go ahead to pay for the house immediately, so once Hauwa had taken pictures of every single room, the money was transferred to the realtor.

I and Hauwa decided to shop for the more personal furnishings, household items today as well. I already decided to buy 2 wall sized TVs for the living room and my master room.

I didn't have time, so I wasn't planning on spendimg 2 weeks moving in.
I had called a cleaning company to wash up the whole house before we were done shopping.

The moving company was slated for the next morning, with all my boxes of clothing and personal items.
I had roped Hauwa into helping me arrange all my things. The closet space was huge and I had lots of shoes. A girl couldn't be separated from her shoes.

I had also searched for the office space. The presidency assured me of a huge building for the humanitarian ruse they had going on, but I would still like to have my own office so we agreed on one with a reception in front. I thought it was simple but classy.

It was moving day before I knew it. I and Hauwa had successfully finished up with the entire house.
Zahra was supposed to be here but she called that she would be coming in later this evening. It was 4pm right now and we still hadn't seen her. The pizza we ordered for had been delivered and I had already cooked different foods and stocked my huge fridge.

I was happy and strangely satisfied. I was even flaunting one of the new short dresses I bought. I loved the fitting it had on me.

I heard the bell ring and Hauwa went to get the door. As I divided the pizza into triangles, Hauwa rushed back.
"Zahra's brother is back from Saudi." She was out of breath.
I looked at her confused.
"Ali, you mean?"

"Yeah, that's his name, right?"

"Hauwa, what's wrong with you? Have you let Zahra in?"

" When I say he's back , I mean he's here right now in your house. Standing with Zahra."

I was shocked. Before I could ask questions, I heard Zahra's "Happy housewarming !!!"
And footsteps coming into my kitchen.

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