CHAPTER 17 too sweet

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The first thing I want to say is I'm sorry. Hope you enjoy this chapter.

"Now? Like with the next step?"

"Yeah, get ready. We're stepping up now."

"This feels really weird though, like I'm not balanced enough."
Ali had decided that it was perfectly fine to smear my eye makeup with a blindfold because he had a surprise. So far so good I liked surprises.
"Babe, I promise I won't let you fall."

"Ali, I trust you okay? Don't even stress about it."

I could feel him smile even in my temporarily blinded state. I wished I could see that.
I was rewarded with a peck on my cheek.
"You know what, Jamillah. I trust you. Totally. And that's not easy for me at all. I just want you to know that."


"What's wrong? You winced."
Oh, its nothing. I can hear a humming noise, Where are we?"

"Patience, curious one."
Curious indeed, I could tell we were now indoors, the floors were padded and the place was definitely getting cooled.
Ali led me in a straight line forward
"Are you ready?" He started undoing the knot.
I nodded. Take this thing off already.

To say it was unexpected is underplaying it. The feast before me was not what impressed me
"Tell me we're not in a jet, Ali."

"You want me to lie to you?"

This is, this is so unexpected and crazy. We're in a jet to have lunch?"

"No, were still going someplace special. Lunch is just so you don't starve cause I know I didn't send food to you today."

"Wait, so if you don't send, I won't eat, that's what you think?"

"I know you'll have tea, but then that's it. And before you jump to defend yourself, tell me; Did you eat anything today?"

"Eventually, I would have."

"Eventually, this is 4 already ."

"It's so not 4, this is just 3;30"

"Well, 3:30 is 4."

"3:30 is so not 4, In what world is 3pm 4pm."

"Oh, so now it's now 3pm and not 3:30."
Ali spooned me from behind and kissed my neck.

"Yes, from now on, 3:30 is the new 3pm." I said as Ali kept rocking us, his arms wrapped around my breasts.

"Anything you say, my goddess."

"So I'm your goddess now?"

"Yes, my fascinating, strong, dinstinctive, a little bit crazy"


"You FORGET to eat, but still, strikingly remarkable and my exotic wild bird."

I turned around to face him.
"Okay baby, This is not funny anymore, calling me crazy and a wild bird all at once."

"Yes, one that people won't hesitate to worship."

I smiled against his lips
"And are you part of those people?"

"Absolutely, I'm loyal to you."

I looked into Alis warm eyes and felt almost complete. Almost. This was more than I imagined would ever happened to me. I was scared I was falling hard for him knowing our foundation wasn't solid.
Honestly, I didn't know what to do. If telling him was the right thing. How do I even start? That this was all planned? And he's been following a script we all wrote? No, I couldn't do that. How would he take it?

NIGERIAN SWEETHEARTS; An Arranged MarriageWhere stories live. Discover now