CHAPTER 21 The opposite of Hope

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"I don't care. If you cannot confirm that she'll never remember, then get rid of her."
Senator Musa spoke into his phone, giving instructions to those guarding his hostage, Jamilah.

"How exactly do you want to get rid of her? Without the President suspecting"
The person on the line replied.

"What will happen is that we simply get to her a little too late. I cannot have her soil my name."
His eyes narrowed.

"She's important, and people know her." The man said through the phone.

"Yes she is. But I am also important.  I'm not running away because some girl saw what she wasn't supposed to. I happen to like my life."

There wasn't any point explaining myself to anybody anymore.

"You've gotten your orders. I can't wait for the drugs you've been pumping into her to work. If she remembers this time, kill her."

He pressed on the red button more forcefully than he probably should have. Anger rushing out from him in waves. The drugs were not working or rather they were acting slowly.

The girl should have been returned by now. But anytime she remembered his name,  they had to inject a higher dose again and wait for it to leave her body, then ask her more questions. They had done this 5 times already. Waiting for the drug to be flushed out of the system took 2 to 3 weeks. That was the reason for the delay in releasing her. He refused to take any chances that she would remember.

This was not the plan. It was to simply take the money and send her back. But she had to play hero and attempt an escape from where she was held. And in her escape attempt, she ran straight into him, and realized that the Senator wasn't there to save her.
It was decided. She would either forget or die. He wasn't losing everything because of her.

One of the side effects of the Diazepam would be amnesia or loss of memory.  Especially with high doses. The doctor on the payroll had said continuous high doses would harm her, it could even make her dependent on the drug.. Well, that wouldn't matter if she was dead, would it?


"This man here is my neighbour
He's a doctor.  I brought him here to check on you."

"Hello there."
I attempted to smile. The doctor was lean and with a well ironed work shirt and slacks. I wondered why he dressed so seriously when he was at home.

I had been with this couple for 2 days now. They saw me on the side of a major road and helped me out. I couldn't recall what happened to me,  where I was or how I got there.
The room I was in was yellow with a lot of light. On a table was a beautiful flower arrangement. Tulips of different colors.
I was very tired and drained, The only thing I knew was that I had been through a lot. What a lot was,I couldn't for the life of me remember.

"Are you sure you can trust this person you want me to call?"

"Yes please."  It took me a couple of days to remember Hauwa's number. I had tried my father's but it was busy.

"Before you call, let's try again to remember what happened.  You have to do your best."
The doctor stopped the nice woman from calling.

"I've told you, I don't remember anything.  Nothing at all."

The lady seemed worried for me.
"Yes, we don't even know if this person you're about is in on the plan."

"She's not.  I've known her forever. "

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