CHAPTER 14 publicity stunts?

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"Do you think I should be more covered?"

" No, you look perfect."

"And what if we get caught on camera, do you think this would be OK?"

He paused and looked at me,
"When you were dressing, did you think about what I'd think or what the camera will think?"
I almost laughed out loud.
Ali was so full of himself, of course I cared what the camera caught, that's what the public would think.

"Believe it or not, I thought about what people would think."
As we stepped into the elevator, he pulled me into him, my breasts pressed against his chest, in such a way they were almost popping out
" I'm sure you went out of your way to get this dress so I can ravish you in it."

"Please, I didn't even think about that"
I fluttered my lashes at him.

"Ooh, not even a fleeting thought, huh?"
He ran his hands over my body, making sure to explore every curve.
"I couldn't even be bothered to go to any shop for this gown."
"Hmm, what did you do then, order it?"
I gave a throaty laugh, "To be sincere, Yes, "

"And was this to impress the public?"

"Among others."

"My lips are sealed."
That sentence drew his eyes to my lips.
"And attractive."

"Yours too." I traced his lips with my thumb.
"Wrong place."
I turned to notice the elevator doors were already open and people were pretending not to watch us, his soldiers, two receptionists at the table and the doorman. All being very busy at their work posts.

"Let's go already."


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The atmosphere of the restaurant was calming. The dim lights, slow understated music and low drone of conversations around created a relaxing feel. It wasn't a place for the high and mighty. It looked reasonable, a place where the slightly above-average community could come to celebrate during important milestones in their lives.

"Has Jamal reached out to you since the wedding?"

"No, not at all."

I didn't want talk of Jamal to spoil our dinner date.

"Let me know if he does. Have you heard from Zahra?"

I shook my head, "Not a word."

"They must be having too much fun to remember us."
I smiled and decided not to continue on that line.
" There's something I want to ask of you."
"Will I like it?"
I thought about that."It will be stressful."

"What's it about?"

"Its the JaMA scheme. Over the next 3 months, we'll be starting the " WALK AGAINST MALARIA" campaign. In all states of the federation. I'm going to be in the different states when it launches."

"You're not launching at the same time?"
"No, We'll start with one state, then add a new state every 3 days till we complete the states. In every state, the program will run for a week."

"Jamillah, what do you want?"

"I want you to join me. To be with me." I blinked. That sounded terrible. Why did I even say that? "

"Look at me, Jamillah."
I looked everywhere but at him,
"For three months?"
"I won't travel for three months. We'll just need to be in the states when its launching, for the photos. That means every 3 days though."
"So that means we'll use my chopper then."
"You have a chopper?"
Although the first thing that came to my mind was why I haven't been on a chopper date,
But I focused on the positive
"Does this mean you're coming?"
"No, it means we'll be going."
Yaayy, I could have hugged him if I could.
"We're together now, okay?"
I nodded.
"Any other thing on your mind? You look so pensive."
I breathed deeply.
"Okay, so how come I don't know any of my friends?"
Ali lifted his brows
"My friends?"
"Yes", I replied. " You know my friends and I don't know yours."
"One, Jamillah. I know just Hauwa."
I gasped at him,
"And Zahra!"
"Zahra, do you mean Zahra, my sister?"
I giggled happily.
"Come on , Jamillah, what's this about meeting my friends now?"
I looked at my hands folded in my lap,
"Its just that Zahra's married and I'm in a relationship and I just feel Hauwa's left out. So I was thinking, you know..."
"Wow, Jamillah, wow" He looked like he couldn't believe his ears. He laughed and shook his head and then studied me.

"So Zahra's married, and you're in a relationship so you think its time for Hauwa, right?"

"I just don't want her feeling excluded."

"And so you'll set her up, play God so you guys can talk about boyfriends together and husbands and children. Is that it?"

"I just want her to be happy because I am happy."
"People are different and their paths are different and so also their timelines. Zahra might be married first but Hauwa may be the lucky one to find true love, after maybe a year or two or even 10 and she may end up happier than any of you. Don't push her into something that wouldn't have happened otherwise or something she'd end up regretting."

"I just wanted to help" was all I could murmur.

"The best thing you can do in life is wait your turn. It'll eventually come."

I just hung my head. Ali sounded so wise. It made me feel petty and shallow for even planning that.
"But if you want to meet my friends, I don't mind. They want to meet you. I don't mind you inviting Hauwa even."

"Sure." I picked my fork to finish my meal.

I didnt know where the photographer came from. Suddenly a flash went off. I shut my eyes for the first few seconds as my fork fell off and then blinked rapidly to clear my vision. As soon as Ali came to my side asking if I was okay, the second flash went off, then a series of flashes.
After I assured Ali that my eyes were fine, the manager rushed to us apologizing for letting the photographer in. I noticed then people were watching us, most likely trying to deduce who we were. Then the greetings started, they would wave politely as they passed by our table. A lot of people suddenly happened to pass by our table. I smiled at every one of them and nodded at their greeting.
Then a little girl walked up to me and boldly stated that she wanted a selfie. So I put her on my lap and took one of us. I was about to drop her when her mother appeared. As I passed her over, I noticed another flash, a man was taking another picture of the lady and I. Then the mother told me thank you again and left with the man
A sound from Ali and I realized he was laughing at me, really laughing.
But karma never fails, and before long a couple came around saying they wanted a picture with Ali and I. After a waiter took it, Ali suggested we leave.
But I was enjoying this place so I asked for a few minutes. In those few minutes, this beautiful Muslim came to me and nicely asked for me to take a picture of her with Ali. Wow.
At this point , I knew it was time to leave.
But before we could leave, the manager suggested; "Wouldn't it be a good idea to have one with the staff?"
It was with fake smiles we took that one.

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