CHAPTER 11 best friend roles

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Dedicated to @jamilaabbas


"Isn't Zahra having a bridal shower? Its two weeks to her wedding and I haven't heard anything about it."

Friends of the bride to be were supposed to organize that. The best friend was to be the chief organizer. I didn't know her best friend or any of her friends even.

"I don't know her friends. Most likely they don't know us as well and that's why we're not aware."

"She hasn't mentioned any of her friends in passing to you before?"

"Not that I remember. I'll ask Ali if he's heard anything."

I reached for my phone to text him.
"Why not ask Zahra directly?"

"They might be planning it as a surprise for her. I wouldn't want to spoil that."

"Or you just want to talk to lover boy."
I rolled my eyes. I decided to text him. And dropped the phone flat on the table once I was done.
Hauwa laughed as my phone rang out with Ali's name. Immediately I picked it up again

"Um yeah."
Hauwa was making ugly kissy faces.
I turned so I wouldn't see her face before I answered Ali.
"I just wanted to know what her best friend's planning."
Ali's voice interrupted my contemplation on how to kill Hauwa and hide the body.
Now she was making moaning sounds that would definitely be audible.

"Not to sound harsh but I don't think she has any friends. She only talks about you and Hauwa."

"What about before she met us? Her former schoolmates? Past neighbours?"

"Yeah, she thinks they don't like her. You should ask her about all that."
"Jamillah, I'd like to talk but I'm extremely swamped. Do you have any other thing to ask?"
Hauwa's noises were getting louder.
"No, I don't. That'll be all."

"Finally, I think you'll have to do it yourself. Let me know of your plans."
"Oh and let Hauwa know I can hear her."
I giggled.
"I'll talk to you later then."

"So what did he say??"

"Apparently, she doesn't have very many friends. And Ali extends his greetings. He heard you by the way."

"Oh, he did? , my in-law!"

"Dramatic much?", I laughed as Hauwa nodded.
"Please, we have a bridal shower to plan." I pulled out a used notepad from my handbag.
"Planning your future sister's bridal shower for her. Smart move."

"Oh, shut up."

I was sitting on a swing under the stars.
It was the bridal shower night. And the main house was swamped with guests. I was tired of the crowd and just wanted some cool and quiet so I decided to step out to the back.

OK, hold up. So that wasn't the REAL reason I stepped out. I hadn't been able to talk to Ali all night. We couldn't talk without a chaperone vetting our conversation even in the middle of a party, because of customs binding us. So I excused myself in hope that he'll notice and come find me.

It wasn't until I felt an added force on my swing that I realized someone was behind me and gently rocking the swing.
Considering the person was quiet, I concluded it was Ali.
He moved to my side and stood very still and as I inhaled the scent of him, I shivered and goosebumps ran through my whole skin
To make matters worse, Ali rubbed his thumb on the back of my hand that was wrapped around the swing chain and it was just so easy for me to lean on him while the swing came to a slow stop.
We stayed there in silence for a few minutes and I desperately wished nobody would come out back here.
The fact that we could stay there together without speaking and feel so comfortable and warm was making me ache sweetly. I really wanted to have this all my life, someone I could hold on to, talk to, laugh and cry with. And I felt I could have that with Ali.

The fact that this was a party leading to someone's marriage wasn't helping. Suddenly I wanted my own to come as well.

"I hope we're not interrupting."

Zahra stood at the doorway with the President and his wife. They were watching us silently. Extra points to Ali for not reacting to that sight. The first lady and Zahra were smiling slightly but the President was looking stern like he expected us to realize what we were doing wrong. Zahra stepped forward.

"I wanted to speak with you, Jamillah"

It was quite unusual that even as she walked up to us, we remained as we were. I guess Ali was not welcoming the intrusion at all. He was still calmly rubbing my hand.

"I am really grateful for all this. You and Hauwa really went above and beyond."

I smiled slightly as as not to come out as rude.

"I really want to hug you but both of you don't look welcoming at all. So I'm gonna go now and we'll talk later. Thank you again sweetheart."

I stole a look at Ali and he wasn't even looking at his sister, he carried on like he wasn't interested in anything we were saying.
His other hand came around my shoulder and arm as he rubbed over them

"Well, this is awkward. Bye."

She walked back quickly and shut the door as she went back in after her parents.
I exhaled as we were left alone. Ali unentangled his hand from mine and went fully behind me. His hands went to my shoulders kneading my flesh and working out kinks. As his hands progressed all the way to my neck, i felt my inhibitions evaporating as he rubbed my ears softly. The feeling was heady and his smell and closeness was intoxicating. I was getting breathless and almost moaning audibly. At this point, I was totally leaning on him and savoring his fingers on my bare skin.

"I would like us to get serious, Jamillah. I want a relationship."
I only knew my eyes were closed because I had to open them to focus and understand what I had just heard.
Somehow Ali's face was the first thing I saw as I opened them up. He was now in front of me. He pulled my hair down so he was looking directly down at my face. And then his lips came down on mine softly like he was teasing me. After a few seconds of teasing me, he pushed open my mouth with his tongue and as his hands cradled my head, he explored my mouth thoroughly. Before I could get the hang of it and respond, he withdrew. I opened my mouth to complain and he smirked lazily at me and kissed my forehead. After a minute of silently looking at me, he simply said,
"See you later, girlfriend ",
and then he walked away. Just like that.

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