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It had been 2 months since I last saw Ali or heard anything from him.
I didn't want to bother myself. I had been busy with work up to my knees these past weeks. But I was happy, more than happy. You know the way you feel when you're almost dead with exhaustion, but you know that everything you're stressing for will actually save a life, will benefit someone you will never know, will bring joy to a whole family?
That was the way I felt half of the time. Which was why even the workers around me thought I was psycho. I would have this smile of contentment with my crazy sleep-deprived face and constantly messy hair. I felt good because I felt tired. Feeling tired meant work was being done, which meant somebody somewhere would not die.
I hope you get my train of thought.

It was a Friday and it had been a week since the JaMA launch, a stressful yet highly rewarding week. Hauwa had gone back to work in Lagos state Teaching Hospital. Zara was busy with wedding preparations.
By 8 pm , I walked slowly into the lobby of my apartment. Gave a lazy wave to the security guard and reception attendant and boarded the elevator to the 5th floor where my flat was.
I stepped out to see a man in uniform standing by my door.

"Delivery to Ms Abubakar?" He was wearing dark shades. What was this?

"Good evening, yes I am JAMILAH Abubakar."

"From Col. Ali Asmau Bashir. Have a nice evening."
And he handed me this basket with wine, flowers and chocolate.

I was stupefied as I watched him march to the elevators. I recovered enough to ask
"He's a colonel?"

"Yes, ma'am. Top of his class,2009. Group captain and elevated Pilot Instructor, Fleet Command 111."

"Ohh, does this mean he's back then?"

"No, ma'am. "
No further explanation

"Would you like some chocolate?"

"I'm just a glorified rookie, ma'am."
He pressed the button in the elevator as the doors started sliding.
"Have a relaxing weekend."

As I turned the key in my door, I decided I was going to do just that.
I dropped the basket on the dining table, without touching anything.
Then straight to the bath where I drew a bubble bath with soothing salts.
After soaking my aching muscles for a while, I donned my silk nightie and moved to fawn over my package.
The flowers drew me at first, white roses. Sweet. I restricted myself to just one sniff. I wasn't going to pine over a guy who didn't deem it necessary to reach out to me for a whole 9 weeks.
And so I put the roses in a clear vase with water on my centre table.

Grabbing a wine glass and ice cubes, I moved into my room and set them on my bedside table. And then I perused the red wine. A Montoya Cabernet, quite pricey. I was going to enjoy it.
The chocolate was Pierre Marcolini. That was a Californian brand and I was almost sure it wasn't sold here in Nigeria.

As I waited for the ice to do its job, I turned on my laptop, relaxed on my bed.
My attention was caught by 2 Skype requests, one was from ZahraB1432 and the other from AliBashir1.
I returned Zara's call first but she was not available and then another Skype request from Ali came in.
I held my wineglass and sipped as I received it.

Just one thought, this man was fine.

"Jamillah Marie Abubakar."

He chuckled
"He mentioned it, the officer?"
"Yeah, although with his uniform, I knew he was an officer."

"He came on uniform? Officer Iyke. I'm going to teach him a lesson."

"Don't. I happen to like him." I shrugged.

NIGERIAN SWEETHEARTS; An Arranged MarriageWhere stories live. Discover now