Chapter 20 When the bough breaks

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My vision is covered in a fog of morning, the kind that is heavy and seems to pull your eyelids down with it. The kind that informs you it'll be more painful to keep your eyes open.

Disorientation is the word of the day. It seems my brain doesn't want to play catch up. Why am I so groggy?

The fear is the first thing I know. But why am I scared? What's wrong?

I try to rely on other senses as I keep my eyes closed. The bed I'm on feels alright with fresh sheets. Its however a small bed, my fingers reaching the end of it. Nothing smells funny or out of the ordinary, if I knew what the ordinary was supposed to be.

"Would you like some water?"
The voice was feminine, warm and easy.
I decided I would have to open my eyes at some point.
The room I was in was bright with yellow walls. There were flowers on the table in my line of sight. A young woman in a flowing gown was seated in front of me and handing me a glass of water. I suddenly realised I was very parched.
"Thank you."
I tried to smile back at her.
What was I doing here?
Why was I with a stranger?
"How do you feel?".
" Better I think."
"Do you remember anything?"
I bit my lip as I tried to recall, anything. Anything at all.

It seemed I was reaching out for the impossible.
When suddenly it came back to me, so fast. I held my head as I tried to make sense of the weeks, no, months of information.
I had been taken against my will, beaten and then drugged.
"Can you remember?"
Memories blended together in my head,
blurring and sifting. Yet among all, I seemed to be grasping to fix one particular image. Somehow I felt a warning not to try so hard, not to remember. But I needed to. The face of the man kept eluding me. There was a dull pain in my head and my eyes burned as tears fill them.
"What do you remember?"
And then the face became so clear and so still.

Senator Musa Abdul. He was responsible for this. I had been kidnapped.

I looked up at the nice woman who somehow had housed me.

"Where am I? I need to call my father."

"Why, do you remember what happened?"
I nodded.
"Senator Musa Abdul."

I felt the sharp needle in my thigh, my heart racing as my brain caught up. The nice lady was not nice at all.


My head was a foam that had been dipped in water. There's no other reason why it would be this heavy.
I opened my eyes to see a sweet lady smiling at me. The room was warm with yellow walls, however my heart was racing with fear, especially when I saw the flowers. The arrangement looked strangely familiar.
"Where am I please?" I croaked

"You're safe now."
She patted my hand
I nodded
"Can I get__"

"Some water?"

"Yes please."
She poured me a glass of water.

"It seems you were abducted. My husband and I saw you on the roadside. Don't worry, we've called your family. "
I looked sharply at her. On her shirt was written;
Love makes the world go round
This must be a bit scary for her.

"We recognized you from the news.
Why would someone do that to you?"

I shook my head in mild bewilderment. I didn't want to think about it. I wanted to rest instead.

NIGERIAN SWEETHEARTS; An Arranged MarriageWhere stories live. Discover now