CHAPTER 19 nightmares are also dreams

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I'll draw a bath for you then you can rest."

"It's okay. I'll just take a quick shower.
You can wait in my room."

"I'll put on a movie for us."

As the water ran over my body, I decided that I'll let Zahra know and then tell him tomorrow. If I was throwing myself under the bus, I wanted someone that could speak for me. Ali loved his sister and even if he was mad at her, it wouldn't last forever. I wasn't going to tell the President because I was sure he was going to change my mind. And then I was going to make tonight nothing short of magical for him. I conditioned my hair with a fruity product, dabbled vanilla scent on behind my ears, under my breasts, behind my knee in my elbow crease, and my neck and then scrubbed my lips with a sugar scrub.

I was trying to decide between laidback or sexy nightwear. How was I going to play this? When I heard Ali raise his voice.

"Who's that sweetheart?" I asked as I stepped out into the room.

He turned to me and dropped his glass of maybe whiskey and his phone on my dresser and walked towards me.  I was wrapped in my towel.  He bent his head and took my lips, the heat and taste of whisky and the roughness of his jaw made me remember he was all man. Then he stopped. 
"Did you forget to wear something?" His hand was on the top of my towel.

"I heard you and wanted to find out what was wrong."

"It was my father. I called him about the wedding."

"Why? What happened?"

"Your hair's wet."

"Yeah I'll use the hairdryer over at the mirror."

"I'll help you. Go ahead."
And so I plugged in the handheld dryer and brought a hairbrush.  Ali pulled out a seat for me and as I sat he got into the drying job.

"So you conveniently decided to forget to wear something as you stepped out, right, Jamilah?
You are just a bad, bad girl. But you're exactly what I want."

And his lips went to my neck nibbling and peppering me with kisses up to my bare shoulders.
Then he went back to my hair and his work.

"I need you to be in total agreement with me on this one. My father should not make you do things you don't want to. I should have let you know earlier that he would usually try to force you to do what he wants. It's a habit he can't stop."

"I called him and told him we won't do a 2 weeks wedding. Whatever they have planned,  they should compress into 2 days."

"Why Ali? Can we do that?"

"You should give me more credit,  sweetheart.  Last I checked we're the ones getting married.  If this lineup of events is making you this unhappy,  why do it? I don't want to wake up to you opting out, so they better adjust their grandiose plan"

"Did they agree to it?"

"Your father did. My father knows if I've thought about something enough to say it, it's a decision not a suggestion, so the only way is for him to come after you."

"He'll be relentless, Ali. All their guests and plans."

"And I'll have to watch you breakdown because of their wedding plans?
I like that you get along so well and I  know he's President and sometimes he can be a bulldozer, but we should be a unit."

NIGERIAN SWEETHEARTS; An Arranged MarriageWhere stories live. Discover now