3;Hidden love

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Sky's POV

I woke up as I was being carried by a musculine figure. My eyes fluttered. I was still high. Oh but that was the best sleep I've ever had. "Peter?" I asked. "Yes little Sunshine?" He asked.
"Where are we going?"
"You fell asleep on the grass and I have a severe case of the munchies. So we're going to Mcdonalds."
I smiled. I loved McD's! I shivered in the little black dress. It was freezing! If i kept my hoodie and jeans on, i would feel like this right now. In the car Peter pulled his large hoodie over my head. It was too big and i felt so safe in his clothes. His scent stuck to the hoodie and filled my nose. I looked at the time. "Oh my gosh. It 2 minutes past 3! My curfew is 11!!!" I yelled looking at my watch.
Sky laughed at me. "Really? I assume you've never even been out? You're parents won't mind. They'll let you off easy!" Privately I doubted this. But then I agreed. I hugged myself. Peter smiled. "Are you hungry?"
"Very! I haven't been so hungry ever. I think I might be starving!"
"It's a stoner thing."
I nodded. It felt like i wanted to devour 3 cheeseburger, a pizza, 20 milkshakes and all the chocolate in the world. It was a long drive. We drove in silence. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence like I was used to having with people. It was a relaxed silence. Almost comforting. I looked at Peter. He was so handsome. His hair was a mess. And his beautiful eyes were red rimmed from the weed. I wondered whether I would get the chance to kiss those lips again. I wondered why he kissed me... I wondered what made me special enough to be his Tinkerbell. Peter saw me staring at him. I blushed and looked away. He took my hand from my lap, kissed it and placed it on his thigh. He tunred up the radio so that we could listen to music. The songs that played on the radio was unknown to me. I could however clearly hear that it was reggae by Bob Marley... Ryan squeezed my hand while he softly sang the song.

I wanna love you
And treat you right
I wanna have you
Everyday and every night.

I knew at that very moment that this would be our song. That this song was going to be the reason we ended up together. I knew because of the way he looked at me. He had a little smile and soft eyes. His eyes were locked on mine. This moment was one that I would not soon forget.


Getting up on Monday was a mission. I couldn't stop thinking about smoking weed with Ryan. I could stop thinking about how good our lips tasted together. I couldn't keep that song put of my head either... I guess I'm inlove with him. "I need to have my head examined." I told my mom when I walked into the kitchen. She laughed sipping coffee. "Oh yeah? Why?" She asked. "I've fallen inlove with a rastafarian of some sort." I said running out the door. I heard a cup crash onto the floor. On my way to school I thought hard about my situation. I wouldn't sleep with him. I don't think he expects me to. I think he know i have morals. Even though he doesn't have them, i think he's the type of boy who would respect me. We'll just wait and see, I decided.

When I got to school I was late. I ran to class and got there in a hurry. English. Miss Williams looked at me when I ran into class. She was discussing an essay we were going to write in a week. "Sorry I'm late ma'm!" Miss Williams nodded. "No need to be sorry. Take a seat. We're discussing essays Sky. You know the one you handed in early?" I nodded. Yes the one about your perfect guy. Miss Williams continued her discussion.

Behind me someone played with my hair. It was Peter. "Hay stranger." He whispered. "So nice of you to join us." I rolled my eyes.
"Hay..." i replied softly. When Miss Williams left class for a second , Peter sat himself down beside me. "How was the rest of your Sunday?" He asked. I smiled. "Fantastic. I slept the whole day really." He nodded. "How about we do some more of that this holiday. Its only another 2 weeks of school." Peter asked eagerly. I grew a little suspicious. "Why would you want to have me at your house this holiday? You're supposed to be relieved that you'll have 3 weeks away from me."
"Not likely honey. I'll miss your lips to much."
"My lips will miss yours too." I said. I suddenly felt shy... Peter's eyes burned through me. "I could ask. Maybe i'll tell my mom that I'm visiting Val..."
"Okay tink."

The day went past smoothly. After school I introduced Alex, my brother and Ryan to each other. It appeared to me that they knew each other. Alex was hard working and he was a gym freak. He never onece picked on me or anything. I love him so much. Alex glared at Peter. "So you're name is Ryan then? Did you enjoy fucking my girl?"
Peter smirked evilly. "Would it be wrong to say yes?"
"You took her for granted you idiot." Alex spat.
"She gave me her virginity. He practically begged me to take it. Enjoy my leftovers?"
"You fucking..." Alex grabbed his shirt. Then he looked at me in horror. "Please don't tell me he took your virginity too?"
"Fuckit Alex. No!" I exclaimed.
"Touch her." Alex warned. "Touch her and I'll fucking kill you with my bare hands."
Peter still smirked as Alex let go of his shirt. Alex stormed away, grabbing me by the arm and pulling me with him.
"Dammit Alex get off me."
"You think he's cute don't you?" I nodded unashamed.
"He's gonna hurt you. He's going to destroy your reputation. Please. I don't want to see you end up like Emmie."
She was ruined. I never thought Emma would make such a mistake until 2 weeks ago.

Emma was Alex's first love. She was so pretty and kind. She was a virgin, just like me. She understood the struggle of always being the outsider. She worked as a part time counselar at the school. She was doing her training to become a physcologist. She had her whole life planned out.

At first I only knew that Emma moved schools and she started being secretive around Alex. Then one night all hell broke loose in my house. At dinner my mother poured Kate a glass of wine. "Let's celebrate!" My mom said. It was Emma and Alex's 2 year anniversary. "No thanks Misses K." She said. My mother raised an eyebrow. "Emma I won't tell your mom I promise." She still pushed it away. "Okay Emma." She ate alot of food too. She nearly passed out 3 times during dinner. She said she was tired. "Take her to your room Alex and let her lay down." My father suggested. My mom sent me to them a while later with an asprin and a glass of water. When I got near the door I heard Emma and Alex talking. "Baby what's going on?" I heard Alex ask. His tone was soft and caring. "This is going to be hard for me to tell you. I'm so sorry baby." I thought she was sick with something serious. But to my utter surprise and dissapointment i heard Emma say;"I'm pregnant Alex." I dropped the glass and the asprin. They stopped talking. My parents ran up stairs. I stood dumbfounded. "Sky? What happend?!" My mom asked checking my fever. Before I knew what I was doing I broke the news which was not mine to break.
"Emma's pregnant." After that my mother became histerical. Emma was crying and my dad was sternly talking to Alex, who took the blame. Only now did I understand that it wasn't Alex who got Emma pregnant. It was Peter.

"Are you crazy!?" I screamed at Alex when we got in the car. "You told Mom and Dad that you got Emma pregnant! Did you guys even have sex?!"
"No. Emma was saving herself. We were going to wait until both of us were ready." I held my head. "But she cheated on you. She gave that gift to another guy!"
"I know that!" Alex snapped. "But I can't just leave her to fend for herself and the baby. Can I!? I love her. And that's something you would'nt understand." He yelled. I fell silent. But how could Peter have done this? He wasn't like that. Not my Peter Pan. I had to get his side of the story. I wouldn't just accept the fact that he was such an irresponsible, unsensitive dumbass. He had to be better. I knew that he was better!

I decided that I would confront him. The next day I brought the matter up. I didn't however mention that Emma was pregnant, because I knew she didn't want him to know. "What was Alex's episode about yesterday?" I asked.
"His girlfriend, Emma."
"Did you sleep with her?"
"Yes. I did."
"But...Why? You knew she had a boyfriend!" I said disgustedly. He really was a man whore. Or more commonly known as a typical teenager.
"It wasn't all my fault. She told me that she loved me. She told me that she wanted to give it to me. I never pressured her into anything. I cared for her. I really did. She told me if I slept with her, she'd leave your brother.But instead she hurt me. I liked her alot." There was a sort of hurt in his eyes that I couldn't ignore. I knew he was telling the truth.
"I believe you."
I dropped the subject from there. I didn't want him to get upset with me. Emma wasn't as innocent as we thought. She was a liar. She made Peter the bad guy.

I trusted him I knew he wouldn't do things like that.

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