5;Dead love.

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Sky's POV

The phone call haunted me for days after it happened. I was laying on Peter's bed when they called. I answered the unknown number, not thinking that it would be a bearer of bad news. "Hi Sky? I'm sorry to have to call you at this hour. I'm Janelle from the NYPD. We need you to come down to the Memorial Hospital Southwest. In Clarence street. You know the one?"
"Yeah I know. But why?" I asked worried. The lady speaking kept quiet for a sec. She sighed.
"I'm so sorry dear. Your parents have been in a terrible accident."
I dropped my phone right there. My mind dwelled off to the worst. Peter came in the room as soon as he heard my phone hit the ground. Before he could ask I interupted. "Take me to the Memorial hospital in Clarence street. Now Peter, please."
He didn't ask a thing. We left immediately.

At the hospital I went straight to reception. The lady behind the desk hardly looked up until I coughed. "Hi. I just received a phone call from Janelle at the NYPD, saying my parents were in an accident."
"What's your surname?" She asked not sounding the least bit interested.
"Dias. My parents suname is Johnson."
"Oh dear. I can't let you see them. Sorry."
"Why the hell not?" I said rudely.
"I can't let you see them if you don't have the same surname I'm sorry."
Peter grew restless I could feel his muscles tensing.
"Can she just see them? How would she even know they're here if she wasn't family?!" He said in a disgustingly irritated voice.
Just then a women made her appearce. She stood by my side. She spoke in a soft voice. "Sky Dias? I'm Janelle from NYPD. Thank you for coming."
I stared at the women waiting for her to tell me what the hell is going on. She smiled softly. "I have no idea how to tell you this. You're so young." Janelle said. Her heart was heavy.
"Your parents have passed away. The were in a car accident on the highway. There was a truck that pushed them off the road. The driver was drunk."
My heart pounded in my chest.
"No. No. No. No." Was all that could exit my mouth as my heart fell to the ground. My mom and my dad was dead. The two people whom I cared most about was gone. No! What was gonna happen to me, I'm a minor. I fell to the ground crying. I had nobody now. I had no family. I cried and cried and cried. Peter sank to his knees with me he held me as I yelled and kicked and screamed. I clung to him as though he was my life. He held me and hugged me so tight I could barely breathe. "Shhh... Relax. I got you." He said over and over. I did relax after a while.

"Young man, I suggest you take her home. We'll talk tommorrow." Janelle said. I didn't want to leave. I needed to see my family! Now. I wanted to hold my mom. And my dad. My heros. I needed them. I grabbed hold of the chair as Peter tried to pick me up. I started kicking and screaming for him to let me go. I needed to stay. I needed to see my parents.Peter picked me up and cradled me until I was calm enough to let go of the chair.

He had to carry me back to the car. I kicked and screamed again when I realised we were going to leave. Peter had an endless fight with me. He pinned me down onto the seat and put my seatbelt on. I stopped struggling.

As we drove home I cried silently. Peter held my leg. Instead of going home he took me to Neverland. We sat under our tree. I cried and he patted my back. "I'll support you through everything baby. I got you. Shh now don't worry. I love you." Peter whispered over and over. I fell asleep on his shoulder. I never wanted him to leave me I needed him.

Peter's POV.

I watched Sky sleep as we drove home. She finally calmed down. I couldn't believe her parents were dead. I thought these things only happen in movies. Her parents died. One day they were fine and the next they were gone. I hated seeing her this broken. I felt like a pig for wanting to hurt her. I have to be there for her now. She has no one else.

Sky's POV.

Saturday the funeral took place. It would have been earlier but turns out Emma was in the accident too. They neglected to tell me. Stupid police. She was in ICU with my brother. Her lungs collapsed a few hours after we left hospital and she died. My brother is still in ICU. He's in a coma. He hasn't woken up since the accident. He's on live support. I couldn't believe what I would have to tell him when he finally woke up. I would have to tell him that our parents were dead. I would have to tell him that his pregnant girlfriend was dead. I would have to see him cry. I would have to be there for him.

I wore my pretty black dress. I even did my make up. To bad it would probably be washed off by tears. I held my head high as I walked up to the microphone. I had to euglogies my parents. I bit back the tears.
"You never know how short life is..." I started. I went on about how we all loved them. I couldn't breath by the time I was done talking. I cried. Peter came with me to the funeral. He rushed up as he saw me collapse to the ground. "I can't breathe." I whispered through my tears. He carried me off stage again. He took me outside. I could hear people saying things as we passed them.
Poor girl...
I hope she's okay...

I broke completely. I realised once again that my brother wouldn't wake up. They would keep him on life support for a while but not forever. I couldn't pay for it. Janelle was kind enough to let me stay with her for a while. I was still underage and in school. There was no way I would be allowed to live on my own. If my brother woke up, I could live with him seeing as he was 18 already. If he didn't they would call my father in Portugal. I would have to go live with him. It scared me to death. Peter held me tight as I cried outside. All he did the past few days was hold me while I cry. He made me fall in love with him. I guess I fell for the way he was sensitive. He was cute and funny and caring. He had pain. He felt my pain. He cried with me. I loved it. I was in love with him.

Peter's POV

I held her as she cried. I could tell she was scared. I would support her through that. No matter how hard it got.

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