11;Brother Love

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Alex's POV

I woke up in ICU. Sky was sitting next to me. Of course she was, it wouldn't be anyone else. Ever since I was in the accident, my parents haven't come around and neither has Em. I missed them. It was about two weeks since I regained conciousness. I was told to rest up. My condition was still quiet critical. My days where filled with tests and sleeping. Today was different. My sister's eyes were full of tears. Her make-up was running down her face. She held my hand when she realised I was awake.
"Hay Boeta." Sky said with a faint smile.
"Hay sis. Why are you crying?" I asked.
"How do you feel?" She asked completely ignoring me. I felt like I did everyday. Sick. My brain hurt. I felt numb and tired. "I'm fine sis." I said. She nodded. She couldn't bite back the tears anymore. "I have terrible news Boeta." She said dropping her head. I squeezed her hand. "What's wrong?" I asked. She looked at me.
"You have bleeding on the brain Boeta. The doctors are doing the surgery tonight. They're doing their best, but they firgured it out to late." Sky swallowed hard. Her sobbing got harder. "Boeta you have a 80% chance of dying during surgery. " she said softly. Her voice broke and her tears streamed out of her eyes. I nodded. I wasn't going to make it.

I squeezed my sister's hand again. "Boeta I love you. I can't imagine my life without you. I love you so much Boeta." She said. Her breathe was ragged from the crying. I pulled her closer. "Baby sis. You're beautiful. You'll be fine without me you'll see. Mom and dad are so proud of you and they'll take good care of you. Tell them that I love them amd tell Emma I'm sorry that I can't be there for her. Please sis, don't cry. I'll be okay. I'll go to heaven and I'll be with Jesus." I assured her. I didn't believe what I was saying. But worrying her wouldn't do any good.

She climbed onto the bed with me still crying. I shifted a little bit. I held her as she cried. I loved my little sister. We always had fights but who didn't? "I love you sis." I said. She snuggled closer. "I love you more Boeta." Sky said. We kept laying together holding each other for the last time. We fell asleep.

Sky's POV.

After school I went to my Boeta and things got emotional. It was now 10 pm. The doctor's woke me up. I got off the bed. I held my Boeta's hand. I squeezed it for the last time. I woke him up. I kissed him goodbye. Inside a part of me wanted to believe that he could survive. He had a 20% chance afterall. But I knew that he wouldn't. I knew that when the surgery was over, he would be dead. I would be all alone. But he would be with Mom and Dad. He would be with Em.

I walked with him all the way to the operating room. He smiled at me. I kissed his forehead. I didn't cry infront of him. Alex didn't need that right now. I let go of his hand. He looked at me as they pushed him into the operating room.
"I love you, Boeta." I said.

3 hours turned to five and pretty soon I received the news for the neurologist. Alex was gone.

I left the hospital. There would be no funeral for him. I couldn't pay for that and the hospital wouldn't help either. I was homeless now. Outside the hospital, Janelle found me. She hugged me. She knew what happend to Alex.

"We have to arrange things with your father now, Sky. That's our only option. You can't live alome yet, you're still a kid." She said in a serious manner. I nodded. I knew this, she didn't need to remind me. "Just, go home now. Have a bath. Eat. Relax. We'll arrange in the morning. I'll call the school."

I went home. I didn't eat. I went straight to bed after showering. I was all alone. Forever.

Peter's POV.

I heard the news about Alex at assembly. Our school was mourning a great deal. I searched for Sky all morning. I couldn't find her. She wasn't at school. I asked Mel where she was. Mel didn't know. She was still angry at her for having sex with Zac. I asked Val too. She could atleast tell me about Andro Dias. Sky's father. Sky would have to live with him now since there was nobody else. I didn't know how much time I had left to say goodbye. I didn't know how long these processes take. I turned the corner to Sky's house. I stood infront of her door. I knocked. Once, twice, four times.

Sky opened the door. She wasn't pleased to see me. I could see she had been crying, even though she fixed her make-up. She left the door open and turned around. "Come in." She called running up the stairs to her room. I followed. She was packing her clothes in 3 huge suitcases.

"Going somewhere Tink?" I asked. I stared at the piles of clothes laying aroumd the room. She nodded.
"Portugal. I have to live with my father now." Sky said. My eyes grew and my heart pounded.
"Tink. You're really leaving? Please don't."
"Not my choice Peterpan. I have to." Sky said.
She started picked the piles up and placing them in plastic bags. She gave a faint chuckle. "You know what's funny? I'm giving these clothes to orphans because I can't take it to Portugal, yet I am an orphan myself." She chuckled again. She started to cry.

I grabbed her pressing her against my chest. She truely has lost everything. "I got you. I love you Sky." I whispered. She pushed me away. "You got Rachel. You love her. Its just like the movie. Don't you see? Tinkerbell was alway there for Peterpan, and he still chose Wendy. Just fuck off." She yelled. She continued packing her clothes.

I spun her around. I had enough of this fake ass shit. I didn't want to protect myself or her anymore.

"I do love you. I thought that I loved Rachel, I probably did at some point, but then I met you. You made my heart race. You made me feel alive again. Like I was worth something. Yes I made mistakes. No, not mistakes, choices. Stupid, idiotic bad choices. Choices that caused me to lose you. Choices that caused me to fuck up. I'm not good at describing how I feel. I am scared of getting hurt." I continued as she walked out of her house. I helped her carry bags to the taxi waiting outside. I waited for a reply.

"Everything you say... I want to believe. But I can't. I know that everytime,your lips move, you're lying. " Sky said. My jaw fell open. After all I just said...
"God damnit Tink, this isn't a fucking Megan Trainor song. I am in love with you. I spilled my heart out and you still don't believe me! You know how I know I love you? Because you are the only person that I cannot stay mad at. You're the only girl who I will ever regret hurting.You are th eonly person I can cry infront of and still feel like a man." I yelled. I saw that I wasn't breaking her wall, nor was I climbing it, so before she could protest I smashed my lips into hers. I missed the way they tasted. She didn't resist. But she didn't kiss back either. She was breaking my heart.

"Sky. Why are you doing this? I love you. I want you. Just stop resisting." I yelled.
"You said that you would suffer for me. I suffered for you, I am still suffering for you. My heart still fucking bleeds. But you wanna stand infront of me now, saying that you love me and bullshit like that. You're only saying those things because you think I'm gonna get into this taxi and I'm gone. Well save it, okay? I still have a whole week of school left. I still got a few lives to destroy. Stay out of my way."
"This isn't you." I said softly.
"I know. I used to be... a good person. But I think that part of me died along with my family. And what I had left after that. Well you killed it. Stay away from me." Sky replied. I sighed.
"If you really want me to stay away...I will." I said. She didn't even reply. She simply looked at me as she drove off.

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