Chapter 28: Portal Travel

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Chapter 28: Portal Travel

We stayed up there for the rest of the morning, never leaving the other's side, both of us recounting our adventures. Fearing another interruption from Festus, we stayed in Leo's cabin, both of us curled on his bunk as we recounted.

By the end of our time, I knew all about his encounter with Narcissus and his first impression on Camp Jupiter and finally the circumstances surrounding his death and resurrection.

Meanwhile, I told him how exactly I'd regenerated, befriended Amy and lost her child. Leo gave me the biggest congratulatory hug when I told him I was River's godmother.

When we were done, it was almost noon. In our mutual lack of sleep, we'd both taken to laying on our sides, facing each other, hands entwined between our bodies. Just being with him was a superior coolant on my otherwise overheating nerves.

When I, at last, finished my tale- Leo had demanded that he go first -we both knew what we had to do.

"Time to go down, I guess," I sighed, sitting up and stretching my back.

Leo groaned and rolled over so he was face down in the pillow and howled, "Five more minutes!"

I rolled my eyes, wondering how the demigod in Demons Run had turned into the boy in this cabin, gripped his wrist and pulled him up. "Come on, Hypnos. We'll have all the time in the world to laze around when this war is over."

When we, at last, got down to the ground, after a series of screams on my behalf, we set off to find Daniel before going to Chiron.

Being a God Lord too, Leo and I thought it was only fair to discuss a battle with the God Lords with him there. I'd learned my lesson from the Calypso catastrophe, and the Doctor's own mistakes.

We found him rebuilding the climbing wall, narrowly dodging random bursts of lava. I'd given him a scolding, and we'd set off for the Big House, not bothering to explain what had happened then. None of us wanted to say it twice.

When we at last arrived, I wanted nothing more than to go back to my cabin and rest for an hour or five years.

Chiron just about rolled his eyes when he saw me enter his office yet again. "Ms. Evergreen," he sighed, "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"It's the God Lords," was all it took for the annoyance to be rubbed off the centaur's face, "they found us."

Minutes later, Chiron sighed deeply, "Well it's a good thing lunch is in an hour."

In the silence that followed, we were left with nothing but the drumbeat of the clock fastened on the wall. It was time we did not have. "Unless you have any objections, it seems rather obvious who two of the scouts are going to be," Chiron suggested, looking straight at Daniel and me.

I knew it was coming, had already assumed it. There would be no sense to send three demigods to an alien realm, not when there were two aliens already here.

"As for the third, perhaps if one of the Seven were willing-"

"Like the super-sized mc-shizzle?" Leo cut in with a dazzling smile, his eyes glinted with charisma as he stared down the immortal with a hidden threat.

"Leo, we can ask others if they want-"

"I'm going. End of conversation," Leo repeated, voice sterner and able to overpower both mine and Chiron's.

Beside me, Daniel's silence was like a shockingly cool ocean breeze.

Chiron leaned forward, his tweed suit, identical to the tan one the Doctor used to wear, slid onto the desk. "Are you sure? You'll be going into alien lands, we know nothing about Trenzalore apart from what is destined to happen there."

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