Chapter 31: Gallifrey Falls No More

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Chapter 31: Gallifrey Falls No More

The morning of the battle was beautiful. The sun shimmered through the canvas of the tent in a tan brilliance. There was subtle wind which made the tent l flutter so that for a moment, I felt as though I was cocooned in the wings of a giant bird. In the distance, from the empty forest, a bird chirped.

As my senses slowly returned, the warmth of Leo behind me swiftly became more apparent. I smiled through my sleep stained mind and turned so I faced him.

Last night we'd been so tired the minute we lay down we'd fallen asleep. Which meant that somewhere along the line he must've rolled over and adjusted our bodies so we lay in the position I'd woken in. My chest warmed at the thought.

In slumber, Leo's face lost the mischievous tint of his features, leaving only a small teenage boy. His mouth was slightly ajar, with drool dripping out the corner, and the sound of his breath was like the sighs of a volcano.

Lying there with him, I realized that I could do this for a very long time. Of course accompanied by a little disgust at the drool, but I could overlook that.

Within a minute Leo too stirred with a groan.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty," I smirked.

Leo grinned and sat up, rubbing his eyes, answering my greeting.

"Best hope we survive today," he sighed, falling back on the ground and covering his eyes from the sun. Even with the melancholy tone of his words, he was still smiling like a fiend.

But I couldn't bring myself to even consider the alternative to what he said. "Don't think like that," I threw him a banning look over my shoulder.

Leo lifted the palm over his eyes and raised his eyebrows. Too late.

No wonder he'd moved to hold me through the night.

I rolled my eyes and gathered the first helpings of today's courage, raising my leg and swinging over so I straddled him. Already, my chest was beginning to swell and fall in the high tide of anxiety.

Leo tensed beneath me and rose so he sat up. "Lucy," he began, voice dancing on the edge of breaking, but I didn't want to hear his worries today.

Not right now. Here, in this tent, there was no need for it.

So I surged forward and captured his mouth with my own. Immediately, his hands launched to either side of my waist, pushing me closer toward him as my own curled into his shirt. My being was molten metal everywhere we made contact, each inch of skin bubbling and jumping with the sensation. As we exchanged breath, my spine shivered like an autumn leaf. As his hands tightened and roamed my back, my being lurched.

I pushed against him, and Leo lowered one hand to balance himself as we fell together to the ground. He hit the soil with a soft thump, forcing our mouths apart, but we both giggled and restarted the embrace.

His hands were toying with the hem of my shirt, my own curled in his hair when Will slapped the tent's fabric. "Lovebirds!" he yelled, making us jump off each other in fright, "Breakfast started fifteen minutes ago!"

One glance from Leo told me his voice would give away our activities, so I answered, "We'll be right down."

The son of Apollo muttered something incomprehensible and walked off.

Leo sighed and sat up, running a hand through his now bedraggled hair, "We should go."

I sighed in annoyance and leaned over to kiss him again. He allowed for a few seconds before he pulled back, "We should really go before we both lose self-control."

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