Chapter 29: Trenzalore

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Chapter 29: Trenzalore

And of course, Peter had to drop by in my dreams that night.

"About time," he scoffed, illuminating the darkness, "I was starting to think you'd never show. We have so much to discuss."

"Discuss?" I began to feel the absence of No More by my side again. Naturally, the son of Hecate didn't allow for weapons in his bland dreamscapes. At least some color would do. "I thought we had the war sorted."

Peter raised his eyebrows, mouth forming a comical frown and shrugged, "We do, but we didn't get to talk about what the Three are, my parentage, the Doctor's current status-"

"Stop being a stereotypical villain and spit it out."

"You haven't changed, have you?" Peter sighed, walking closer and seeing nothing but my old self, "All these years and you're still that insufferable orphan girl."

Even though we'd both regenerated, all he could see was my pale skin, voluminous hair and sad eyes. The being in its place, the body which had allowed me to do so many things, was invisible to him. No doubt he expected me to abandon my friends as I had done to him all those years ago.

But I had escaped the orphanage, and that day had been one of the best I'd lived.

"Last time I checked, you and I were King and Queen of our orphanage," I answered, stepping closer to him.

A challenge, a dare, a message that I too, could play the game of deliberate moves. I had gained more than just tameable hair with green streaks.

"A partnership that could never last." Peter threw the titles aside like they meant nothing to him, but I could see the scar there. Healed badly, but there was no other reason for him to invade my dreams other than to exert his superiority. "Your father was a born leader, mine a tyrant, don't get me started on our mothers."

I had the deep urge to pull out a dagger and dig the honed tip into his neck. But instead, I opted for the safer option. "You knew our fathers?"

"I know mine, yours was too busy leading Gallifrey for me to meet," Peter shrugged nonchalantly, the most casual I'd ever seen him.

He looked at me expectantly, but I just crossed my arm's with a child's stubbornness. He added, "Well? Don't you want to know who mine is?"

I blinked slowly, "Honestly, I don't care."

And, like the nine-year old I knew, he continued talking. Come to think to fit, it was probably why no one ever adopted him.

"Haven't you heard of the Master?" he chuckled, "Now you know where I get it from. It's fitting isn't it, the only God Lords with Time Lord and god abilities, the Three, are us. Those whose parents are the most mighty."

I drew in my eyebrows and pursed my lips, "You know the third member too?"

"Haven't you figured it out?"

At my lack of answer, Peter actually laughed. It was a lavish sound, filled with smoke and mirrors, fit for a magician's show. It rumbled like Kronos' laugh, rolling with thick and lazy movements. "You're as stupid as the Doctor, who managed to get himself trapped on this planet until he dies."

I squeaked out a, "What?" but Peter didn't even hear me, too engrossed and having too much fun ripping away all the hope I had in my time traveling friends. "

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