This is gonna be short. Because I can't put this Fanfic in words. Imma start off with that.
I thanketh thee.
Title: Monsters Inc.
Author: *squeal* volcanoharry
Rating on da booty: 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,
F'ucked up Thoughts:
I just - hormones and a great story line??? F'uck man.
I fricking read all her books, but Satanic and this one (plus the rant book) are my favourite.
Gawd, Kat.
It was so f'ucking original and sexy at the same time, I just couldn't I had to hide my phone where I couldn't find it. It was only like... i think 7 or 8 chappies?? and then an epilogue? i think. AND I WAS ON THE SECOND LAST CHAPTER I HAD TO F'UCKING STOPPP!!! You sir are not a swine, because you are a pearl.
Dayum. A shiney-ass pearl, too.
And hold on onononjnjdieissahja I see her writing in different f'ucking languages and saw that she wasn't going to Sweden?? sO I'M GUESSING SHE'S SWEDISH?!! WHICH MAKES HER THAT MUCH AWESOMERR OKAY.
Teach me how to write like you.
Teach me how to be as awesome as you
And like
As sexy as your icon.