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I can't believe it's been one year since Liliana's Custody battle. That's when I first met Justine McKay. Her resemblance to Megan was incredible. She had the same deep auburn hair and unusual green eyes. They could almost be twins, except Justine is two years younger. That would make her twenty-eight years old now.

She's one year younger than me.

Flashback. . .

"Brandon, this is my sister, Justine. And Justine, this is Alex's brother, Brandon Corwin, my attorney." Megan looked at me and gestured her introductions between us.

I extended my hand to shake hers. "It's nice to meet you, Justine." I was intrigued by her mysterious green jewel eyes. They were very similar to Megan's, and yet different.

She barely made eye contact. "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Attorney." She gave a half smile, half smirk, and I thought I noticed she had dimples.

What was her story? Everyone has one. She comes across as a stay out of my way, kind of girl.

Alex had just found out that morning, that Megan and Justine were long lost sisters, and the daughters of John McKay. They were Liliana's half sisters, which was like a plot twist in a novela lot to chew and digest at the same time.

Justine was separated from Megan and their older brother, Max. They were sent to live in separate Foster Homes, growing up. What had she been doing before she contacted Megan?

Justine, sat in the conference room not saying a word the entire time. I couldn't help studying her, and I found her fascinating. She remained aloof and distant.

She seems like she is tough as nails. I know she grew up in foster care, and she must have had a tough life. For some odd reason this girl was hard to ignore.

What is wrong with me? We're here arguing with her father, who is a nutcase. I've got enough on my plate. I'm not looking to get married like my brothers. Definitely, not to someone as prickly as her—the thought makes me shiver.

End of Flashback. . .

Currently, my relationship with my girlfriend has been on shaky ground. We've been having issues and can't seem to meet in the middle.

She doesn't understand the demands of my job, or get the closeness that I have with my family. I can't believe that I actually, thought we would get married.

I met Jennifer through mutual friends, soon after Alex and Megan got married. She was striking, with Super Model good looks. We hit it off right away, and started dating. Six months into our relationship things started changing.

Flashback ~ Two Days Ago. . .

"Brandon, you're always busy with your law practice, or something with your family. Maybe I need to have you represent me, as my lawyer in order to spend time with you!" Jen yelled at me over the phone.

"Justi—, I mean Jennifer. I'm wrapping up a case and we'll have more time . . . I promise." I started to call her Justine, where did that come from? I tried to smooth things over with her.

She started to get emotional. "No Brandon. You give me a call when you grow up, and can make a full-time commitment. If it's not work, it's your family. I'm always last, but I'm choosing myself first this time. Maybe we should just be friends for a while."

I treaded lightly to not make things worse. "I think that is wise right now, since we can't seem to meet eye to eye. I'd rather us be friends than enemies. Maybe we can get together for lunch in a few days."

"Okay Brandon, please call me. We really need to talk about our future, or if we even have a possibility at one together. But friends for now." She hung up, and didn't let me respond.

I don't think I'm really ready for a relationship, or a serious commitment right now.

End of Flashback. . .

In the meantime—lately, I can't stop thinking about Justine. I put my pen down on my legal pad. I leaned back in my chair, with my hands behind my neck. Why am I even thinking about Justine McKay?

That last name alone, tells me to run as fast as I can in the opposite direction. Yet, I find myself day dreaming about her and wondering where she is now?

She was here for Alex and Megan's wedding and then she vanished again.

Something about her is mysterious. She was very evasive when she was here, briefly. Is she in some kind of trouble? I'm a lawyer—I could help her.

Here I go again, that's exactly what Jennifer was talking about. I'm always on the job.

I ripped out a message from my legal pad, I had started writing. I crumpled it up, and threw it in the waste basket. "What am I doing getting involved with a girl, I don't even know?" I questioned myself out loud.

I wonder if one of the Private Investigators that I know could locate her for me? I have a feeling that she is running from something, or someone. She is definitely in some kind of trouble. I just might be, In Pursuit of: Justine.

A/N ~ I hope you like this Story! Follow Brandon and Justine's journey in (The Corwin Brothers Book 3)

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Copyright © Dawn Drake 2017
The moral right of the author has been asserted. All rights reserved. This story is published subject to the condition that it shall not be reproduced or retransmitted in whole or in part in any manner without the written consent of the copyright holder. Any infringement of this is a violation of copyright law.

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Dawn Drake

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