Chapter 12

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Brandon was quiet on the car ride home. He had that brooding look on him, that I love with his stubbled chin. His eyes showed uncertainty and inquiry, they spoke of a thousand questions in his complex mind.

We got home and the family sat down in the kitchen to eat pizza. Brandon, grabbed a beer and bottle opener out of the drawer. He opened his beer and headed outside to the back deck.

I had to do something. My heart was hurting, just watching him questioning where he went wrong in his relationship with Jennifer. I know he didn't hurt her on purpose. Things happen in life unfortunately—we don't plan.

It was interesting seeing and meeting her. She is absolutely beautiful, with blonde hair. She looked and stood like a model. I felt out of her league and self conscious. She appraised me from head to toe. But I held my head high in her presence.

That was a low blow—her referring to Brandon preferring blondes over auburn hair. That was jealousy speaking . . . a retaliation after seeing me with Brandon. But it stung, nevertheless.

Now, I had the answer as to what was bothering Brandon. Jennifer, had officially broken up with him last night. I was happy and I found myself cheering inwardly.

Brandon is an amazing man—he took the time to rescue me from a dangerous situation. And made sure I was safe, when he didn't have to.

He represented my sister and Liliana in her adoption custody battle—when he didn't have to. He fought for those who have no one else to fight for them.

He loves an adopted niece, like she was his own. He reads her bedtime stories and Liliana, told me he has tea parties with her. He sits in a chair as one of her pretend guests. She pours make believe tea into their tea cups. He has to wait until she serves tea to all of her pretend guests first. I can imagine her in her fancy dress, and bouncing black ringlets underneath her bonnet. She sits across the table from him and he has to make polite conversation with her baby dolls and teddy bears. She gets to be a little girl. I always wanted a tea set growing up—I think it's wonderful.

That is not a man who would cause hurt to anyone. That's why he is still up set about his breakup with Jennifer. He probably would have tried to make their relationship work.

Most men, wouldn't even be fazed. He's not perfect and has flaws, but we all do.

Right before sunset, I joined Brandon outside on the deck. The sky was unusually bright and looked like an abstract canvas painting of a sunset.

"Corwin, would you know where I could find Uncle Brandon? He's the best bedtime story reader ever." I approached him sitting on the deck steps and handed him a copy of Green Eggs and Ham, by Dr. Seuss. I borrowed it from Liliana's book shelf.

His face lit up, with a mischievous grin. I sat down next to him on the deck steps. "I'm not sure where he is." Brandon played along. "Would you mind if I read the story to you?" He nudged me with his shoulder.

I hesitated. "Corwin, you can read the book—only if you read like Uncle Brandon reads it."

"I'll try my best, since you asked so nicely Justine." He sat his beer down and cleared his throat. He read it even better than he did last night—to me and Liliana.

I was definitely falling hard for Brandon Corwin.

He put the book down and pulled me to him, before pressing a tender kiss to my lips. I kissed him back, and I saw fireworks. Shivers went up my spine.

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