Chapter 2

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I sat in my car, with a pair of high tech binoculars. I was acting like a detective on a surveillance mission. I was watching, and waiting for Justine to make a move.

I decided not to tell anyone that I had located Justine. I wanted to wait and see what I could find out on my own, first. I was going to keep my eyes on her for the next couple of days, without her knowledge.

I pretended to drive away, but I drove and parked in a nearby alley waiting and watching for her to leave. I spotted her leaving the apartment, with a bag in her hand.

I almost mistook her for a homeless person. She didn't have much to her name. Her situation was worse, than I originally thought. She's definitely fearless in-spite of what she's going through.

She is a spitfire—the way she stood and challenged me earned my respect.

She walked cautiously, turning her head in every direction. She was careful and aware of her surroundings.

She had obviously, done this before. She hopped in a taxi cab and my pursuit of her began.

We crossed the Brooklyn Bridge, and she got out of the taxi in Brooklyn at a nice Brownstone. She knocked on the door and a middle aged woman answered the door. They embraced, she entered the home, and the door shut behind her.

I parked my car a little ways back, so as not to be detected. I didn't dare let Justine see me.

"Mark, I'm going to give you an address in Brooklyn. I need you to tell me who lives there and everything you can about that person, thanks." I hung up the phone with my private investigator and continued to look for any signs of what is going on.

What is Justine up to, and what am I doing following her? Am I nuts? What is it about this woman, that has me so enraptured? I'm becoming a detective, instead of a lawyer.

While I was waiting for Mark to call me back, I searched the internet on my cellphone for public records on Justine McKay. I came up empty handed, it's like she had everything erased.

"Brandon, that address you gave me isn't listed anywhere. That girl doesn't want to be found. She is flying below the radar." Mark updated me on the dead end, that lead to Justine.

"I'll keep digging and you be careful, my friend. I don't know what, or who she's running from." He sounded concerned.

Then I made a crazed decision, but I figured I had no choice if I wanted to help her. I took the keys out of my ignition, got out of my car, and approached the nice Brownstone that Justine had entered.

I literally, have no clue what I'm doing. But there is no turning back now.

I rang the doorbell and no one answered. Then, I decided to knock very loudly. I knew at least two people were definitely in there. I saw them with my own eyes, a half hour ago.

"Why are you stalking me, Corwin?" Justine had snapped the door open and stood before me with her arms folded, tapping her foot.

"I take it you're not happy to see me, sweetheart? I guess you won't invite me inside. Now I'm offended, I'm not stalking you. I'm trying to help you." I clutched my chest, pretending she had wounded me.

"I already told you, that I'm fine and I don't need your help. How many times do I have to tell you? Just leave me alone, will you?" Justine narrowed her eyes and spoke through gritted teeth.

Man, she was so beautiful when she was angry. I don't know what it is about this woman, that I simply can't leave her alone?

"Sorry, I just can't do that—until I find out why you are on the run." I placed my hand on the door, so she couldn't close it and I leaned in close to her.  A little too close. . . .

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