Transformers Prime: The Calm before the Storm

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                                             Author's note:
Hi there Reader. I finally summoned the courage to upload/type my ideas!  \(>.<)/
So yea this is my first fanfiction, the idea of the story though I've had for quite awhile now. I'm more of a person who see's things with  images so I was quite nervous describing them into words but I tried hopefully you all will enjoy this story.


● Megatron will pretty much be a Tsundere in this story (ツンデレ) is a Japanese character development process that describes a person who is initially cold and even hostile towards another person before gradually showing his or her warm side over time. The word is derived from the terms tsun tsun (ツンツン), meaning to turn away in disgust, and dere dere (デレデレ) meaning to become 'lovey dovey'.

I hope the explanation helps you understand where I'm trying to go with Megatron's character. I'm trying to keep to his character canon personality.

● There will be a bit of sexual content not too much though but there will be some I'll put *~*~*~* (I'll try not to forget to put it there if I do in advance SORRY) whenever it's coming I know I sometimes wanna skip the smex and get to the story. I'm not sure how I'll rate this because I've never done this before so I might put PG-13? I...dunno...? ;-;

● MPREG yes there will be Mpreg but who is going to get sparked is the real question? ;)

● I'll admit I'm borrowing some terminology of Cybertronian biology/etc from other fanfics except plug n play I'll never understand PnP it sounds pretty but I'll stick with simple interfacing!

● I was really inspired by many incredible authors such as DemonsDaughter & MileMusketeer who wrote the Quality of Mercy series definitely check it out! :D

●And don't worry I'll refrain from using any "Internet slang" such as lol or OMG I spell my words out!

● I'll try to introduce more pairings beside M/OP I'll just say this we might see some SS/KO I've become rather found of that pairing as of late.

● I've already got a few chapters already in the works, the idea was in my head but I never typed it lol I'll TRY to update daily. :3

● Don't hesitate to comment. I love hearing feedback and opinions you can even point out a mistake I made, it helps me improve!

● I'm going to be brutally honest with you all I'm not familiar with wattpad much besides reading other's stories so yea this will be fun...


ALRIGHT go enjoy the story Reader before I ramble on too much. (^.^)/



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