Chp 3: The outlook for tomorrow seemingly stormy once again

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"Ratchet.....Ratchet! Ratchet please wake up!" Optimus said gently pushing the medic to wake up.

"Mhmm 5....5...more minutes Sire... Ratchet murmured in his recharge.

Optimus let out an annoyed ex-vent. "Ratchet it's an emergency please wake up!"

Ratchet got up real quick then. "Emergency!!? What's wrong!? Are you the one injured!?"

Optimus smiled at his old friends concern "No old friend I am fine and so is the rest of the Team your assistance is required elsewhere."

Ratchet stared up at Optimus confused.

"Ratchet, Megatron had contacted me he said he needed help-"

"Megatron contacted you!? HOW!?" Ratchet yelled interrupting Optimus in the process.

"Ratchet that's beside the point. What matters is that he needs help, he could be severely damaged." Optimus said with worry in his voice.

"So what if he's damaged, he's a Decepticon there leader no less! Plus this could be a trick to ambush you all we know!" Ratchet said

"Ratchet!" Optimus said in a demanding tone

"Megatron may be a Decepticon but he is also a Cybertronian. One of our people, in our ever dwindling race. I will not allow factions to sway my judgements. If a Cybertronian seeks my help then I will provide it for I am my people's Prime. Is that clear?"

Ratchet knew there was no way out of this.

When Prime put his mind to something he never gave up. It was a good quality at times....

Ratchet put a servo up in surrender and let out an annoyed huff.

"Fine, send me the coordinates via comm and let me get my medical kit ready."

Optimus was glad Ratchet agreed to help him without arguing further.

~20 earth minutes later~

Megatron got both of Optimus's messages. He was relieved that Optimus was so willing to help him.

He would have replied back but he was trying to stay out of a stasis lock he might not wake up from.

He tried to look up when he heard the sound of a Ground bridge appearing.

He saw Optimus step out first with his medic following right behind him.

As soon as Ratchet saw Megatron's damaged body lying in his own pool of energon, he quickly went to repairing him.

Megatron couldn't meet Optimus's optics with his usual glare, bad enough his greatest arch enemy had to see him in such a weakened state.

His faceplates heated up once he remembered that his interface array wasn't covered.

Optimus's spark sunk when he saw Megatron's beat up body. Certain pieces of plating looked like they were roughly ripped off. There were deep claw marks on his armor and his interface array was exposed.

"Ratchet wouldn't it be more efficient if you repaired him in our medbay?" Optimus asked while walking around Megatron to figure out how he would carry him without further hurting him.

"EP, Ep, ep don't even think about touching him not until I stop his energon lines from leaking. He's lost a large amount of energon I'm surprised he's still online." Ratchet said as he wielded sensitive wiring.

Optimus stood there, waiting patiently, and watched Ratchet work.

"Now Megatron, I'm going to connect to your medical port and put you through forced recharge. I'll have you hooked up to my portable IV until I get you to our base. Alright?" Ratchet told Megatron as he unhooked a medical cable from his arm.

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