Chp 22: We bid farewell to the days lamenting our cowardice

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Here he was again, laying in Prime's berth.


That seemed to be all he could do as of late. Mope around and "rest" as the Prime and medic "advised" him to do.

"You've been through alot..." they said. "Your frame needs the rest." The medic said. "You don't need to hide your pain..." he softly reassuringly said. "It wasn't your fault. There was nothing you could have done." They said. The look on their faces when they told him these things were clearly pity. Even Soundwave of all mechs looked down upon him.

Everywhere he went in the base they all gave there condolences, they felt sorry for him.

His claws scraped softly against his palm, he could not recharge tonight, he felt restless. The warm feeling of Optimus's frame was present on his back, his soft ventilations were barely audible in the room which meant the Prime was deep into recharge.

His red optics darted to the wall, he would no longer weep. He would no longer night-longingly lament for a new day.

He would no longer rest.


He knew he'd call back. He had no other choice but too. Especially after that report Fowler sent back to him of the most recently destroyed base of operations for MECH.

It was only a matter of time.

He accepted the call, his free hand forming a fist turning slightly red with anticipation. "Does my offer seem beneficial to you now?" There last conversation didn't go so well but he finally had something the man probably wanted-no rather needed. Money and resources.

:Your assistance would be appreciated but I need to be reassured my team and I will have our freedom in the workplace.:

There was a slight pause. A moment of hesitant contemplation. Could Silas be trusted? Was this really the right course of action for this predicament? "Of course. Your only limits will be that your experiments are not to be tested or used against any innocent civilians or any of the men on my army unless they are considered a threat to our operations."

The last words had to be said, he knew some would be against his rather 'extreme' measures against there alien visitors. He hoped it would not come to that in the future. It...was for the best.

There was no going back now.

An pleased hummed buzzed through the line, a sign Silas was pleased with his answer. A sign he knew all too well, he thought he had control over him because he thought he was desperate to get rid of these robots.

"Very well, Bryce. I had no plans of using human subjects at the moment, the human body doesn't really interest me. Only the complex biology of the Cybertronians hold my attention." Another wave of silence hit but didn't last long. "As for the use of my projects, they will not be used against other people. Like I said previously, my main focus is on beings far more riveting than 'innocent civilians' will ever be. I also have a score to settle with one of them."

The way he talked down about his own race slightly disturbed him, he spoke of these monstrosities as if they were gods. Although he could understand the interest in dissecting them, that information could be used to figure out weak points. It was win, win for both regardless. "That's reassuring to hear. Now about handling my funding for your team's projects. I'm not sending you anything digitally. Were doing all of this in person. I also want to-"

"Send the coordinates on where and when you want to meet and discuss our terms. How does tomorrow sound?" Silas interrupted him getting to the point as quickly as possible.

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