Chp 19: Falling, breaking admidst the rules of this world

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"As I wait for the sun to rise for tomorrow, will you stay by my side in this messed up world of ours?"

Starscream and Silas had landed not too far from the base, it was there Silas ordered Starscream to check Project Mechanoid, while he found out the status of his base as a whole. The human had run into the chaos after that.

The light of the fire shined brightly over his armor as shadows danced around the surrounding forest.

"At a time like this, I honestly wouldn't mind the rain right now." Starscream walked towards the building, Silas had ordered him to go too. "Who does that human think he is ordering me around? I'm starting to regret this alliance. These humans aren't proving to be so useful."

He stopped abruptly as he heard shots being fired in the direction he was headed. They were definitely human gun shots. "Wonder what they could be shooting at?" He said aloud to himself.

He snuck quietly towards the side of the warehouse, peeping through the small side windows. No need to rush inside, it was better to assess the situation before entering. A few human casualties were worth it.

His wings jerked up rather quickly when he saw who was inside. It was that Autobot scout, Bumblebee. 'He must be here to get his stolen T-cog back.' A smirk found it's way on his face.

He continued to watch as Bumblebee lunged at the humans who were pitifully trying to defend themselves, their shoots barely put a dent on the young mech's armor.

Starscream lowly hummed to himself. "So much for human loving Autobots...I should probably go in there and help those pathetic insects. It's a wonder how they managed to kidnap any of my mechs."

With a last glance to the window he saw Bumblebee start pulling the T-cog out of MECHs machine as he walked towards the already open doors of the warehouse. His blasters glowed a bright red as he entered the building pointing it directly at the biomechism in the scouts hand.

The fool had not noticed him entering or the hum of his weapon as he marveled at his once missing T-cog. His index digit was already on the trigger as the scout finally turned his helm towards him, seeing only a face of pure madness.

It was already too late though.

The shot had been fired, there was no time to react when the sparks and pieces of himself burnt in his face, the heat of the shot slightly burning his digits. It fell rather ungracefully on the ground, more pieces of it scattering on the floor.

Bumblebee only stared down at the once vital part of himself as it slightly smoked on the ground. He couldn't even hear Starscream's despicable laugh or whatever undermining words spewed out of his mouth.

He'd never be whole again now. All because of Starscream and these humans. He balled his servos into fists, doorwings heightened up in anger. He looked up at Starscream, who was standing there with his blaster still up and ready to shoot.

He took a step towards the Seeker not caring if a weapon was pointed at him.

"And what exactly do you think your doing? Are you going to try to fight me with your bare servos?" Starscream moved his right servo about as he spoke. "I almost pity you. How useless is a Cybertronian that can't transform?"

A rather high pitched, loud irritated whir escaped his vocaliser as he charged towards Starscream.

"As I said Almost." Another shot was fired but the insect had dodged it, he ran quick towards the shocked Seeker, landing a direct punch in his face knocking him to the ground.

"Tsk. You Autobot scum." Starscream said as he lifted his claw to his face. "I'll end your pathetic existence quickly just as I did Cliffjumper." He shot up rather quickly charging towards Bumblebee claws extended.

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