My mission

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Okay guys very new at this but I hope you enjoy this one shot. 😊 and all rights go to teen wolf.

Stiles POV
The time had come, I complete this, and then the ceremony comes and then the injections stop.

Not only will the injections stop but I won't be a "greenie" anymore.
The mission was to kill off a group of failed experiments that were trapped inside a warehouse.

"Perfect." Stiles thought. "They're all in a closed area, this will be easy."
He was so excited that the injections may finally stop. 3 times a day, everyday. Stiles touched the sore spot on his neck where they inject him, and flinched a little at the pain.

He didn't know what they inject him with, but he falls unconscious and wakes up with his memories jacked up. The worst part is he doesn't know what he's forgetting.

As he pulled up at the warehouse, he was still deep in thought. Quickly snapping out of it he grabbed his gun and various knives and strapped them to his belt. "Here goes nothing

(One hour later)

One left. He had one little failure left, and then he would complete the mission. This one would be easiest considering the others fought and this one ran.

Turing around a corner, he heard heavy breathing, followed by a quiet. "Do you want to die? I thought not so be quiet."

"Huh guess I have two left" Stiles thought.

He raised his gun and kicked down the door he heard the voices in. He was right there were two of them but the other person didn't look like an experiment. He looked a little familiar too.

"St-Stiles?" I guess the guy thought he looked familiar too.

"You're the one killing these innocent people? What the hell are you doing?"

I tightened the grip on my gun.

"Who the hell are you and how in the hell do you know my name?" I practically yelled at him.

" Come on, don't be like that Stiles, you know exactly who I am!" Derek yelled.

"I swear I have no idea who you are! That's why I asked who in the hell you were!" I replied slowly getting angry at the beautiful man in front of me.

Apparently he was getting angry too.
"Look I don't know why the hell you left me. We promised each other we wouldn't do that. But trying to forget me is a new low Mieczyslaw!" How in the holly fire in hell did he know my real name.

"How do you know my real name? Obviously you know me and it's only fair since I don't think I'll be completing this mission any time soon."

"Derek, Derek Hale. Your boyfriend."

The name sounded familiar but it didn't strike any memories.

"I think I would know if I had a boyfriend." Especially one so beautiful.

"Nice try though, A for effort."

I aimed my gun at the teen's stomach and fired.Derek looked at me with shock evident on his face.

" Get out of my way Derek or you'll end up just like the others, dead."

"You won't shoot me."

I laughed  " oh I won't now?"

"No, you won't."

I was getting mad now.


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